No, silly, man.
They grieved for 28 years.
CoCo, Nebby II is both Nezzar and Rezzar.
Tee hee hee.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
No, silly, man.
They grieved for 28 years.
CoCo, Nebby II is both Nezzar and Rezzar.
Tee hee hee.
blondie’s comments you will not hear at the april 23, 2017 wt study (february 2017) (leads).
excellent general website: .
bible translations .
Thanks for the study articles.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
Hey, Blondie.
Thanks for those WT study articles.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
Hey, Rebel.
Hey, Magnum.
I'm doing research simply for myself in an attempt to find answers to bothersome questions about the Scriptures.
I consider myself a Christian, and believe the Bible to be God's message to us.
One thing that bothered me a lot was the list of Shem's son's.
The Bible plainly says Arpachschad was Shem's first born, yet he is listed third in the history of Shem.
I found the answer in the Book of Jubilees.
Also, why did it take Adam and Eve so long to produce a son after Abel's death and Cain's banishment?
Ditto ...
What really happened between Noah and Ham?
Book of Jasher.
Moses married a Cushite (Black) woman?
Ditto ...
So much to explore; I'm having a grand time.
Thanks for asking.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
Amen, my brother from another mother.
Tee hee hee.
*** yb77 pp.
173-174 liberia ***.
after sitting down, the witnesses were told to look at the sun, and soldiers watched their eyes to make sure they were staring at the blazing sun.
Uh oh.
Ominous ...
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
ROFL at Outlaw.
Now, howbeit that I knew you would be a first responder?
I'm having a great morning, reading up on the Nebuchadnezzars, of which there were four.
If history is correct, it was Number 2 who razed the 1st Temple and took the Jews into captivity.
If history is correct, it was his granddaughter, Vashti, who refused her husband's request to show herself to his banquet attendees.
Isn't it wonderful to scope these things out for ourselves?
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
Good morning, all.
It is good to be here.
Thanks to all for your contributions.
Love and blessings
*** yb77 pp.
173-174 liberia ***.
after sitting down, the witnesses were told to look at the sun, and soldiers watched their eyes to make sure they were staring at the blazing sun.
That should be $20.
Getting old.
please show them this.... easter 2017, christians ‘most persecuted group in the world’.
during the last calendar year, some 90,000 christians were killed for their faith across the globe, making christians by far the most persecuted group in the world, according to a study from the turin-based center for studies on new religions (cesnur).. while tens of thousands of christians are killed for their faith, introvigne said, they are just the tip of the iceberg and much persecution takes place on a daily basis that never makes news..
dear jw's, it's all about being a christian that is important, not being a jw!!.
Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!
And, then YES!
To JW's, no one is a Christian unless a part of WT organization.
It really chaps my hide to hear "anointed" Christian.
Newsflash, WT, ALL Christians are anointed.