I started on this board as I was a JW and thus, felt directly impacted and I was seaking exposer to all the things the WT was hiding from me.
Once I left, I understood enough to warrant me leaving, but not enough to be satisfied. So, I kept watching for everything that had to do with JWs, including their religious view and practices.
Several years later, this interest has faded into a case study of how humans control and fool themselves in social groups (religions, political parties, companies, dancing club, karate dojos, etc). The JWs are a very good example of how various tools can be used to make people do things that are against their own interest or that of others, seemingly for the benefit of a greater cause, something greater than themselves. Such examples include propaganda, logical fallacies, disproportionate sense of belonging, overbearing and dominating over your life. While there are more to these, the idea is that all these bad things that are found in JWs are also found in other group.
The main difference with Religions and other social groups however is that they may control your entire social circle (family and friend), which, in turn, may extend control over you beyond what some may be able to bare. This is where they are more dangerous then everything else and I guess that's what brings me back to this board often. To see how far they can keep pushing such control and how they achieve it.