JoinedTopics Started by StephaneLaliberte
I've done it: Christmas Lights Outside
by StephaneLaliberte inlets see if that causes a problem.
i've been inactive for a very long time now (like 10+ years), so, i don't expect to hear anything from it, but my parents are worried i'll get df.
lets see what happens.
All the Old JW Acquaintances Passing Away
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, my dad told me an older sister passed away.
she wasn't too old (in her 60s), but i knew her 30 years ago and haven't seen her in 15 years; the main reason being that i faded 10 years ago.. yesterday, i seriously considered attending the funeral and catch-up with old jws i used to know.
after thinking it over, i decided against it.
Chat GPT and the bible
by StephaneLaliberte ini just used chat gpt to find scriptures easily and, wow... should i still be a jw, i would have been able to create talks in seconds with that thing.
consider the following question: .
when was jesus accused of violating the sabbath?.
ChatGPT and all the data in this forum
by StephaneLaliberte inhey simon, have you considered pushing all the knowledge gathered in this forum into an instance of chatgpt?
since its open source, i believe you could download, install and configure an instance of it.
would be quite interesting to interact with the data gathered in this forum through that medium..
I'm happy about the increase
by StephaneLaliberte ini know its weird to say something like this on this forum, but its how i feel about it.
i feel that way cause i see that covid has taken a tole on my dad who's growing older.
knowing that this will come as good news to him is somewhat comforting to me.
Get Vaccinated or Get laid Off
by StephaneLaliberte ini’m personally for the vaccine, took two shots and would take a third if asked.
but i know a friend of mine that doesn’t want to take the vaccine who works for the government and now is faced with this choice: get vaccinated or get laid off.
i don’t agree with this measure as it is totalitarian and runs against my core belief in individual freedom.. now, with that being said, what i don’t understand is that my friend still won’t get vaccinated.
What JWs don't know they believe
by StephaneLaliberte inin a post this morning, i suggested that a way to wake up fellow congregants is to plainly comment or make talks on teachings and rules the jws don't really know too well.
the idea is that you can say these things, other jws will be bothered by the comments, but will not be able to do anything about it as this is the official teaching or stand on this or that.
the key here is that when troubling rules and teachings are thought in the watchtower, they generally use wording that makes them go down easy.
Don’t Trust the Courts! Splane’s Latest Anti-Apostate Talk
by StephaneLaliberte indavid splane’s talk “put up a hard fight for the faith” was that last talk presented on the saturday of the annual convention.
this talk was to largely address apostates and restated ideas and arguments often presented before.
however, this year, watchtower is spending more time in disqualifying negative findings originating from secular courts and here is the segment of interest here: .
Go Bag and Catastrophes
by StephaneLaliberte ini live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation.
it was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe.
so, she asked me if i would agree with this.
Raising a teenager outside of “the truth”
by StephaneLaliberte ini was raised as a jw and left the group as many of the teachings don’t align with my core values.
now, forward almost 10 years, my wife and i are raising our kids through puberty and i have to admit, this challenge is not easy and seems to be even more difficult in that my own upbringing was very different.
i find it hard to compare how i was raised with what i now must do for my own kids.