I'm getting a bit sick realizing that I used to do talks like this with the same expressions, gestures, pause, arrggkk
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
by The Fall Guy inyou gotta listen to the first 60 seconds of the special talk drivel.. you'll immediately see why i've put this under jokes & humour.
What do you think of the ransom as proof of Jehovah's love?
by AlainAlam inconsider these excerpts from the bible and the publications:.
“no one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (joh 15:13).
“for hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die.
God states that the wages of sin is death.
So, could we reframe this to : Capital punishment for someone who fails God? That would mean the perpetrator of the sin would be facing capital punishment. What would the life of someone else have to do with it?
Even if that was some rule, it is still God that established it. Considering that every miracles performed in the past have violated the rules of physics also established by God, why would he not be able to violate that rule as well?
What do you think of the ransom as proof of Jehovah's love?
by AlainAlam inconsider these excerpts from the bible and the publications:.
“no one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (joh 15:13).
“for hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die.
Jesus died to buy back the value of the perfect life that Adam forfeited by his disobedience
Bought it back to who? God? That's my point... if God was love why demand a ransom in the first place? And why not simply create another Adam and Eve?
is this real? Wife got an email from here group elder about daily check in's
by goingthruthemotions inso this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
Stay in touch is not daily check-ins. She could tell them that you progressively get sick over a few days before it get worse or gets better. And in the event she could not let them know how she is, she trusts you’d let them know. Otherwise, daily is a little too much for her.
What Is Your Favorite Decade or Time Period to Live In?
by minimus insome people say this decade is the most advantage and so they are happiest in the present.
some long for the good old days before cell phones and computers.
if you could live in an era or decade , when would it be?.
Well, considering how we are all communicating on the web and have access to so many services online, including everyone who can work remotely with camera and all, I cannot imagine going through the corona virus in another decade. -
Do you have any evidence that the GB had bad intent?
by AlainAlam indo you have any evidence that the gb had bad intent?
as opposed to blind faith/cognitive dissonance and honest mistakes.. i'm inclined to think they have the best of intentions and are just wrong (primarily because the bible is wrong), but i'm willing to consider the evidence otherwise..
Your question could be reframed as follow: When the GB hurt or fail their followers, or perhaps God himself, is it with bad intent?
When someone with good intentions makes a mistake, you will inevitably find remorse, regrets and acknowledgment of the wrongs committed. Has anyone seen any such actions from the GB?
No. They act as dictators whose prime and utmost concern is their very own survival.
That translates to only one thing: Bad intent.
What do you think of the ransom as proof of Jehovah's love?
by AlainAlam inconsider these excerpts from the bible and the publications:.
“no one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (joh 15:13).
“for hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die.
I never understood the logic behind the “ransom” teaching.
God's so loved the world that he sent his son to a certain and atrocious death so that he would not kill everyone. In the meantime, he has let everyone die, over thousands of years. What’s the worst death you can imagine? It is likely that it happened to someone since Jesus gave his life. Many who had a personal relationship with God as well!
Pay a ransom to who? Death? God created everything… life and thereby, death. If you say: "Death is the absence of life!". Than death is not a thing, it's a metaphor, it represents something, but what? God himself? Who exactly is the ransom paid to?
What it to prove that a human can remain faithful to the end? Could he not simply create another Adam and Eve? Restart the experience? Why make billions upon billions suffer and die? If it was to prove that humans without God would never be as happy as without him, wouldn’t his point been made as soon as Adam and Eve started getting old and experience back pain?
And how is Jesus an equivalent ransom? Demi-god is heavier in the balance than the first man, is he not? Jesus made miracles, talked to God and had infinite knowledge! He had special powers like a super hero! It’s like an athlete on enhancement drugs; it invalidates the result, it’s not fair, it’s not justice.
I'm interested in discussing basic JW doctrines that you believe are unscriptural
by AlainAlam inbackground info: although i'm an apostate, i don't hate jehovah's witnesses, or the organization itself.
actually i find that many derogatory comments here are extremely biased.
i think most of them are amazing people, and i wish more non-witnesses were like them.
Let's see:
1) Detailed service reports
2) Concept of a governing body being spirit directed but not inspired
3) Elders not reporting crimes committed by their members to the police
4) Religious leaders not accepting any kinds of criticism
5) Practice of shunning includes close friends and family
6) Re-integration process (attend meetings at the back for 6 months to a year)
7) Prophetic dates they still consider valid (1914, 1919)
8) Baptizing kids (as early at 7 years old!)
9) Not participating in charity for the poor (soup kitchen and similar endeavors)
10) No blood transfusions
11) Disfellowshiping people for small sins such as smoking, celebrating various holidays, talking to disfellowshiped friends, etc.
12) 144 000 being a literal number and implying that the majority of the anointed ones today are self-deluded emotionally unstable Christians.
13) Reporting every faults and sins to the elders
14) Lying in courts defending practices that are unbiblical
My congregation is something else!
by nowwhat? innot only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
Data-dog: I whish there was a sad emoticon I could have clicked on your post. :(
My congregation is something else!
by nowwhat? innot only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
According to my PIMI parents, they started with multiple remote sessions during the week to get people accustomed to the new platform. Now, it’s back to the same time as usual; one meeting during the week and one meeting on Sunday. They don't have to dress up special for the meetings though they need to be presentable IF they want to turn on their camera, which many choose not to.
As for field service (phone calls and letters), that’s only for those who want to attend. Nothing changed there. So, yeah, they are scheduled, but no additional pressure to attend those.
So, quite frankly, I was a bit relieved for my parents as it’s far from being as bad as I originally thought.
While my parents and in-laws are in three different congregations that act about the same, I guess the experience differs in other congregations that have been mentioned in this thread.