Let me put it that way: South Park hasn't done a show on Jehovah's Witnesses; they did on the Mormon cause the source material is hilarious!
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Who is considered more bizarre?
by incognito2014 injws or mormons.
from a public point of view not from people within the religion as that would be obvious.. examples of extreme beliefs or behaviour would be useful..
My dad is now a ministerial servant tonight
by Wagurl inmy dad just became mistrial servant should i move out i’m almost 18. what the hell should i do?
If you parents are willing to support you while you get further college education, you should absolutely do this. It will be much harder to get education once you need to pay for everything.
Sure, attending the meetings can be difficult, but life will be much harder if you don't have education.
Take it from a guy who left his parent's place at 20 without completing education. I'm 40 now and still regret it.
2020-04-10 Congregation Donations by Electronic Funds Transfer!
by Atlantis inwell as usual, the watchtower wants to make sure the rank & file keep the money coming in.
even if the jw's have nothing to eat.. 2020-04-10--congregation donations by electronic funds transfer.
As much as I share the hatred of how the funds are used when it comes to settling law suits and selling congregation buildings that were build by local volonteers, I still have to say: Jehovah's Witnesses are not really greedy when it comes to monney. I've handled the contrebution box accross various congregations and most of the donations were not sizable. On average, I'd see:
- 7$/publisher/month --> congregation
- 2$/publisher/month --> Construction funds
- 5$/publisher/month -> world wide work
Grand total: 14$ per publishers/month.
That's not a lot. That is certainly very, very far from the 10% over income many non-jw believe that they give.
Reality is, JWs make most of their monney through volonteering works. Elders, pioneering, maintenance, construction, everything is vonlonteer work.
Jesus of Nazareth
by StephaneLaliberte ini’m watching jesus of nazareth with my kids.
i am amazed by how much i know of the movie.
just about every scene, something is said or done that i already know.
I’m watching Jesus of Nazareth with my kids. I am amazed by how much I know of the movie. Just about every scene, something is said or done that I already know. It’s like watching my favorite movie where I know everything ahead but just enjoy it. I guess this is where the expression “cult movies” come from.
It’s weird that after 6 years out, I still have so much knowledge about the bible.
Remember the Revelation book?
by wozza ini recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
I was about 10 years old when we studied that book at the book study and it was the first time that I realized that I didn't believe everything printed by the Watchtower. I still remember the topic: Prophesied trumpets were accomplished by public resolutions taken at conventions in the 1920s (Chapter 21. pg.15). I thought this was founded on nothing else than narsissisistic desires.
Despite this, it still took me another 25 years to actually leave the religion.
by The Fall Guy inyou gotta listen to the first 60 seconds of the special talk drivel.. you'll immediately see why i've put this under jokes & humour.
I'm getting a bit sick realizing that I used to do talks like this with the same expressions, gestures, pause, arrggkk
What do you think of the ransom as proof of Jehovah's love?
by AlainAlam inconsider these excerpts from the bible and the publications:.
“no one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (joh 15:13).
“for hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die.
God states that the wages of sin is death.
So, could we reframe this to : Capital punishment for someone who fails God? That would mean the perpetrator of the sin would be facing capital punishment. What would the life of someone else have to do with it?
Even if that was some rule, it is still God that established it. Considering that every miracles performed in the past have violated the rules of physics also established by God, why would he not be able to violate that rule as well?
What do you think of the ransom as proof of Jehovah's love?
by AlainAlam inconsider these excerpts from the bible and the publications:.
“no one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (joh 15:13).
“for hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die.
Jesus died to buy back the value of the perfect life that Adam forfeited by his disobedience
Bought it back to who? God? That's my point... if God was love why demand a ransom in the first place? And why not simply create another Adam and Eve?
is this real? Wife got an email from here group elder about daily check in's
by goingthruthemotions inso this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
Stay in touch is not daily check-ins. She could tell them that you progressively get sick over a few days before it get worse or gets better. And in the event she could not let them know how she is, she trusts you’d let them know. Otherwise, daily is a little too much for her.
What Is Your Favorite Decade or Time Period to Live In?
by minimus insome people say this decade is the most advantage and so they are happiest in the present.
some long for the good old days before cell phones and computers.
if you could live in an era or decade , when would it be?.
Well, considering how we are all communicating on the web and have access to so many services online, including everyone who can work remotely with camera and all, I cannot imagine going through the corona virus in another decade.