Not at all. But as soon as you add a profit motive there's a tendency to chase the money more than the truth.
True. The problem with JWs and ex-JWs is that the target audiance is a bit too limited. For instance, Christopher Hitchens was targeting everybody as everyone cares about the question: Is there a God? Not that many people actually care about JWs and their problems. So, yeah, you need to go a bit on the sensationalist side to make a living out of it. But I don't believe John Cedars has been too far out in that area. Certainly not as bad as the medias on Trump.
And we can certainly say that he is not the typical apostate: He doesn't agree with agressive activism, publically admits when he makes mistakes, don't get into rants, takes care of his parents in law who are still JWs, and doesn't attack the rank and files.
Sure, he has an ego and doesn't sound as sincere as Mike and Kim. But I think he is doing very well. If I was willing to sacrifice my relationship with my family, I'd be doing exactly what he is, and I admire him for it.