Its actually a pretty good delusional life if you agree with everything. I would suspect that the highest source of concern would be the regular reminders that you could do more for Jehovah. Sure, plenty of JWs are perfectly happy with their “service”, aka: performance, however, dissatisfaction is more likely due to these constant reminders, especially when they read the “good-for-nothing slaves; we've only done [y]our duty” comment from Jesus (Luke 17:10).
And than, things get worst when you start to disagree with key teachings. You start to notice that the following constant reminder now applies to you: Don’t be prideful, don’t trust in your own judgment, let it go, wait upon Jehovah and put your trust in him.
If you don’t believe to be prideful, then, that’s one more teaching you don’t accept. This creates a disconnect between you and the religious group. You may try to rationalize things (like my mom), but this isn’t the best life either. You’ll be forced to pretend that all is fine when these teachings are covered at the meetings or in field service. This will make you a “phony” with those you love, your friends and family. You will also become paranoid at what could happen if “they found out”.
The very fact of being paranoid and phony with people you should trust and love is no way to live. You cannot be happy this way. Even if you try to take “the best” out of that religion, you will not be happy. Some may continue to live that way for a long time, and many more will leave the group.