yeah, we had sex, lots of it, and we did everything else too. I used to joke that I had more sex before I got married than during the whole 5 years I was married. As it turns out we were sexually incompatible. I liked sex, and she didn't. I also only had oral once after we got engaged. Ridiculous!!! Many of my friends went through the same thing. All of us, had sex before marriage, then we all didn't have any once we married, and then all our wives cheated, now we're all out of the borg too. 5 friends, same result with all of them. The older men that I used to talk to said the same thing, no sex once they got married.
JoinedPosts by bluesbreaker59
For Those That Married JW, Did You Have Sex Before Your Wedding?
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? ini'm sure this has been covered before.
i'm wondering, though, how many who got married as a jehovah's witness actually waited for their wedding day?
it's for a "good cause," namely my peace of mind.
My type: Sparkly blue eyes or really deep dark brown eyes, nice healthy curves (aka thick), auburn hair, really nice skin
Intelligence, humor, independence, good job, likes to try new things, enjoys road trips, restaurants, movies, ability to "keep up" with me, which isn't exactly easy with me.
All those would really make me happy, but I'm yet to find them all in one package.
I'm mad as hell (New Here)
by Miss Bliss ini'm brand spanking new to this forum.... my story is a long one that i will save for rainy day....however i will say i have been out for a long time 10+ years and when i left i really left.
i walked away at 20 (in my heart i was mentally gone at 17) and never really looked back much.
i was raised jw my father was an elder my mother an off and on pioneer (my father is no longer except he goes to the memorials, poor bastard and again thats another long story) i was not shunned by my parents both of whom were still very much in although my father left shortly after me and i would like to think that my bravery and courage allowed him to do the same.
Welcome to the Sanitarium, we have stewed prunes and mush to your right, the rainbow collored pills to your left, and entertainment every night by a man convinced he's Bob Hope...
GREAT RollerNews!
by RollerDave inhey everybody!.
today i found out my credit card info had been stolen and thousands of dollars had been fraudulently charged, isn't that great!.
i am thrilled beyond measure, it's as if a great big weight has been lifted off my heart.. am i wigging you out a little?
Dave I gotta say this is now past the point of ridiculous. If these people are sitting at the end of your driveway everyday, like you describe, why don't you call up some of your friends and tell them to come up behind this vehile block them in, and then "talk" to them. Frankly, if I lived closer to you, I'd volunteer, myself and my best friend's "services". We weigh about a combined 550 lbs, big burly farm kids, and neither of us, are exactly "flabby", we've been used to scare off more people than I care to mention. Of course, it also helps that my best friend is a raving psychotic lunatic, heavily armed, and street fighter extraordinaire, NO ONE messes with with the two of us together.
Newbie here...
by BuzbyU ina bit about myself.. i am 46 yrs olds old, live in chicago area.
i am a dis-fellowshipped jw.
i was in the organization since i was a kid.
Welcome from another midwesterner!!!
Did someone disable the reply function on Wanderer's topic!!?
by NotaNess inwhat's up with that?.
i've seen worse posts & replies here people, he's just proposing a scenario to see how level headed people would handle it..
Gregor I couldn't agree more... It all stinks of being HIGHLY creepy. That last one though was just FILTHY AND DISGUSTING!!!! The POLICE are the only ones that should handle such matters, and frankly, I feel they (the police) should have a right to check out any pervert, sicko, social deviant or porn freak out there, at ANY time. I hate how liberal things are at times.
Its always been my opinion that people that frequent strip clubs and pornography places should be given personality tests by officers, and have their vehicles and person searched. I have ZERO tolerance for any molester, rapist, or sexual abuser of ANY KIND, but ESPECIALLY CHILD MOLESTORS!!!! IMHO, they should all be given a lethal injection, they're SICK AND TWISED AND HAVE NO PURPOSE IN SOCIETY!!! God help someone if they ever touch a member of my family.
Advice wanted... possible stalker
by bluesbreaker59 inso over the last couple days, i've been getting messages on myspace from someone that wants to know "what band i play with?
" i have not answered these questions with direct answers, because i'm pretty sure its a fake profile with someone from my past operating it.
this has happened before, where my ex, tried to be added as a friend to my page, and i knew it was her.
Just a little worried though, because her family is sometimes a wee bit crazy. I'm not afraid of her, or seeing her, I'm not even afraid of them, I just want to know what the hell they want with me, I'm totally out of their lives.
Advice wanted... possible stalker
by bluesbreaker59 inso over the last couple days, i've been getting messages on myspace from someone that wants to know "what band i play with?
" i have not answered these questions with direct answers, because i'm pretty sure its a fake profile with someone from my past operating it.
this has happened before, where my ex, tried to be added as a friend to my page, and i knew it was her.
No she's not a pervert at all. I think she just wants to bug me, and my new girlfriend and try to interfere with our happiness.
Advice wanted... possible stalker
by bluesbreaker59 inso over the last couple days, i've been getting messages on myspace from someone that wants to know "what band i play with?
" i have not answered these questions with direct answers, because i'm pretty sure its a fake profile with someone from my past operating it.
this has happened before, where my ex, tried to be added as a friend to my page, and i knew it was her.
Ok I tried the approach of "Who is this", and I tried the "Ok, I know its you, I'm tired of the games. I'm happy now and I wish you all the best and that you also find true happiness, but please stop trying to contact me."
I have ZERO desire to speak to my ex ever again, so friends, "ain't in the cards" for us. I was the one that wanted out of the marriage because she made me miserable (hitting me, calling me names, etc.), in turn for miserable treatment I was a butt head at times, just for the sake of being a jerk (nothing physical or name calling, I was just hard to get along with). Our families didn't like each other, etc. It was doomed from the start really.
Advice wanted... possible stalker
by bluesbreaker59 inso over the last couple days, i've been getting messages on myspace from someone that wants to know "what band i play with?
" i have not answered these questions with direct answers, because i'm pretty sure its a fake profile with someone from my past operating it.
this has happened before, where my ex, tried to be added as a friend to my page, and i knew it was her.
So over the last couple days, I've been getting messages on myspace from someone that wants to know "What band I play with?" and "When I'll be somewhere next?" I have not answered these questions with direct answers, because I'm pretty sure its a fake profile with someone from my past operating it. This has happened before, where my ex, tried to be added as a friend to my page, and I knew it was her. This time, the writing style is the same, and so is the language used, no profile pics, no friends, same scenario. I don't understand what she hopes to gain from this. Here's why:
1. We've been seperated for two years, and divorced since fall of 2005
2. I'm DF'd for sleeping with my girlfriend in 2007, so that gave her grounds to do whatever, though she doesn't go to meetings.
She was the one that got me DF'd, by going through my email (I never changed my password, MY fault). So I just don't see what she has to gain from all this. Any thoughts??? I understand her being ticked about me trying to get her DF'd for cheating on me, but that's JW rules, and she was staying with some guy alot. She denied it, and I got fed up and just stopped trying to prove it. Then she got me, and I figured that would be enough, but then the other day I get this on myspace, and I'd bet anything its her.