I've noticed that in the past when reading the articles. I'd be sitting there reading and think...."didn't I read that somewhere already?"
It's all the same refrigerated and microwaved food from the "unfaithful and unwise discreet slave".
in another thread there was quotes from two articles:.
organized to accomplish our ministry (1983) p. 151, par.
1. concerning those who renounced their christian faith in his day, the apostle john wrote: they went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us.
I've noticed that in the past when reading the articles. I'd be sitting there reading and think...."didn't I read that somewhere already?"
It's all the same refrigerated and microwaved food from the "unfaithful and unwise discreet slave".
but now, holidays are important to me.
i think birthdays and xmas are important ones to make sure that you give and get gifts.
perhaps it's because i never experienced the "joy of the holidays".
No. Never really cared actually, and still don't.
anyone else here hate giving talks and refuse to do it?
the last two years i was in the borg, i was not in the school.
everytime the elder in charge of it approached me to "encourage" me to join again, i would have a melt down, cry and pretend i was so depressed and overwelmed that i just could not do that one thing for "jehovah", and i would act like i may commit suicide if he stresses me out over joining the school again.. i got out of it with 3 elders, in two different congregations.
I'm actually one that loved giving talks in the school.
I was always a good little dubbie, preparing weeks in advance. I kept up with that practice after I was appointed a MS. All of that came to an end about 5 months ago. There was no way i'd give talks anymore once I realized the religion was bogus.
when you were a witness, there must've been things that you really wanted to but couldn't because you were not able to.
give us some examples, please..
Make decisions for myself.
okay, so it should be very soon when the theme for the 2008 convention will be made public.
what do you think the them will be?
no, not gas, not a kidney stone... .
i passed my phd exams!!!!!!
a Big Congratulations to you on that!
i recently saw my jw brother and sil and listened to them talk about poor sister sick(o) who has been diagnosed with major mental problems.
she went to the doctor's and the doctor supposedly began to berate her out of the blue because she is a jehovah's witness.
now the family wants to have the doctor formally rebuked for his so called "discriminatory comments".
1. The religion is bogus
2. The religion is bogus
3. Who want's to be around the pool of gossip and negativity?
4. I have no desire to go back
well, they officially announced me no longer being a ms last night.
you know how when a televised trial ends with the verdict coming back .
from the jury and all the cameras are on the accused?
Congratulations inkling on being released from that privelege burden. I was recently deleted as an MS as well, well the BOE told me I would be anyways. I don't even know it was announced or not, but really don't care.
Now you have time for more worthwhile activities.
what kind of unusual sacrifices did you make as a jdub?
i knew a sister who avoided nail polish because a householder didn't like it.
she wanted to please the lady.
I sacrificed higher education by withdrawing to become an active Dub. I'm going back soon though.
I also sacrificed family in a sense. I spent so much time on JW activities that they weren't so active in that I didn't spend nearly as much time with them as I could have and wanted to. It's so refreshing to do so now.
I fell asleep watching it a few nights ago. I'm going to finish it later tonight. It was good to the point I had gotten to.