The "great crowd" are just the household servants. They inherit nothing. Heck, they should just be grateful to draw oxygen.
Knowing the FDS, they would place restrictions on how much oxygen one person could use.
matthew 5:5: "happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.".
if you ask most witnesses what this verse means, they will say that it means those who are meek/mild/humble will be given the earth as a reward to live forever on.
i was surprised to find out that this is not the official watchtower teaching of that verse.
The "great crowd" are just the household servants. They inherit nothing. Heck, they should just be grateful to draw oxygen.
Knowing the FDS, they would place restrictions on how much oxygen one person could use.
i love to cook, so, i'm really looking forward to thanksgiving.
since katrina, i have some friends that don't have family here anymore or people from out of state that also don't have families here to share it with.
i will be cooking and would love to share recipes with others.
Mind sharing a plate with your buddy?
i read the two books.. awakening - this was the story of a married witness woman (elder husband) with family in the religion.
she had childbirth/blood rh issues and had to deal with not 'associating' with a disfellowshipped daughter.
throughout the book she wrestles with various issues and suffers mental anguish jumping through hoops because of the religion.
CofC is awesome. It's a great read in my opinion.
(still needs to give Purps her book back )
do you a wash clothe when you bathe or shower, or just your hand and soap?.
i use just my hand - no clothe..
My hubby has a black one and he uses Axe bodywash.
Men actually use those things?!
do you a wash clothe when you bathe or shower, or just your hand and soap?.
i use just my hand - no clothe..
RF, tell the truth, we know you just added it to your grocery list. Report back to us, on how you like it. Be sure to buy a manly color.
Good god no!!
I'll NEVER buy a poof!!
do you a wash clothe when you bathe or shower, or just your hand and soap?.
i use just my hand - no clothe..
They are poofs, you use them with body wash and they make wonderful bubbles. That's what I use, with Oil of Olay bodywash. But I prefer Dove for my face. And then I only use my hands, no wash cloth.
Ohhh ok. I forgot about the poofs. I could never use one of those.
I'm thinking that it will be in the December Kingdom Ministry.
do you a wash clothe when you bathe or shower, or just your hand and soap?.
i use just my hand - no clothe..
I always wondered what those plastic fluffy things are I've seen in some folk's showers.shower caps??
do you a wash clothe when you bathe or shower, or just your hand and soap?.
i use just my hand - no clothe..
I use wash cloths.
would you rather take a shower, or a bath?
i prefere showers with water hot as i can stand and i don't mean in scrub up, rinse, out....linger uneder the water is so relaxing...what about you..?.
I'm a shower person.
I sometimes take baths at night, but I haven't lately.