Auctally if you look at my early comments regarding indoctrination I quoted. directly from the Oxford Dictionary.
What I have continualy stated in this thread is very simple when people or group become intolerant and oppress another groups for whatever reason they are no better then the people they oppress. To me; and you are correct (not the dictionary) that takes a form of indoctrination.
Is the dictionary now the infaliable word of God? And to disagree with it a person should be condemn? Your statements are so agressive and intolerent over a defination in the holy dictionary.
Sound crazy doesn't it? Well I do have a point. The point; one can become self-righeous over science, religion, a dictionary, government, politics, law, business. People can lable and be intolerent over anything that they believe is factual. That is the human factor its not science, its not religion, its not politics, it not business but the human being that are in these that are the problem.
Open mind: accessible to new ideas; unprejudiced
There are some reasonable comments in this thread for both side of the this issue. There are some hate fill comments and labeling in this thread. That is human nature and this thread speak volumes that people cannot agree on most issues.
Can one make a new world based on goose stepping; anyone that disagrees is consider a threat and labled as stupid a retard to be done away with?
We live at a time where there is more knowledge then every in the history of mankind and yet there is more hatard and intolerent then every before. People trust nothing they have no respect for anything but they want respect -- why?
It simple every insitution of mankind is being exposed as corrupt. No one thinks a person make an statement without an agenda or a bad motive. People are killing people because they had a bad day or was picked on in school.
It interesting I've been labled all kinds of things in this thread it actually funny to me. I am serious, I don't belong to any organized religion haven't in some 30-years., I never disgreed that religion wasn't going to be done away with. I simply said I believe in God. From that statement all kinds of assumption have been made.
I not bitter at organized religion although I had many bad experience with organized groups. I have meant so really good people in those groups that show love and kindness and are open mind people. I have meant people that do not believe in God and they have been good and kind people as well. I have looked at both side of the issue and the truth is people that want religion gone from the earth have the same spirit as hateful people in religion there is not difference. They cannot see any truth but theirs. They have a personal prejudice that runs so deep they feel they have the educated right to lable religious people as evil.
If I knew a Christian that acted like that I would have nothing to do with them. I wouldn't want them as a friend or a neighbor. Who wants to live with a bigot? So all these people leaving religion as stated in this thread are coming togather in groups that act like Christian I would not be around and this is going to be a better place?
I made a statement that there is enough blame to go around. All parts of human society have been responsible for wars not just religion. So I states science has been all wars. What was meant? Jee, who devolped the atom bomb and gases and all this great killing stuff we use on each other. And most war or world domination has come from the nations that had the best fighting equipment knowledge/science invented those war tools. Now we know it not science fault but the men that misused that science but we have no tolerence for religion that greedy men misused.
Again making the point humans can justify anything behind a good cause. If greedy science devolped a drug the killed your family then its exposed as corrupt does that mean we should outlaw science?
But when you talk about such holy things as science and look at the real facts in how it has also been misused and corrupted for greed look at religious fevor in this thread. Does that not scare a you? That people could become so self-righteous over science? Or any subject?
What is it about mankind that they find a subject and exalt themselves over their fellowman? They listen to the fact other men have given through education and books judge from those infaliable words and destroy others. Can anyone take seriously people that are corruptable and put infaliable faith in their words in any area of human life. Perhaps we need to outlaw life next?
People hate religion because men have misused it. After it is gone then we will still have men misused the dictionary - I mean who knows?
So a new world order built on intolerance and oppression of religion does not address that main factor of human nature.