You write: "Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the Great Crowd pictured in Revelation 7:9 is the modern day organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses."
No, they don't teach that. They teach that they (JW) will be part of the Great Crowd but there will be so many others as God sees fit.
Jehovah's Witnesses have since the 1930's when the Great Crowd was introduces " as millions now living will never die". Held out offically that the only people suviving the Great Tribulation are Jehovah's Witnesses. Furthermore, they used Noah and the Ark as the counter part to the modern day orgazation of Jehovah's Witnesses being the only group surviving. That is, no children that are not children of Jehovah's Witnesses will survive the end if they are not dedciated parents of the organization. In fact, those point are made clear in the "Survival Book".
It has always been an uncomfortable position for the witnesses in the door to door work and franklymost avoid the offical stand of society. I would have to see the Watchtower artcial that actually states what you are implying in your statements.
You write: "Failing to understand basic bible teachings that all scriptures prior to Christ Jesus having come into the world are written about him. They are or will be fulfilled by him."
How do we know? Does every account in the Bible have a greater meaning or a prophetic fulfillment? How many of them? How do we know? I for my part think they do and there is a way to figure out the dimensions
"He then said to them. These are My teachings, which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that every thing written in the Law (including the sabbath) of Moses and in the prophets and Psalms about Me must come true" Luke 24:44
I think you are parsing my words and missing the big picture of basic bible teachings. Jehovah's Witnesses from the bible students forward (over 100 years) have applied the stories (old tesiment) in the bible as applying to modern day Presidents within the society or the society itself - anyone that has read the many books and articals of the Watctower Society knows this to be a fact.
Many of the prophets and Kings of the bible prefigured Christ Jesus; Abraham and Isaac's, Joshua, Noah, Moses, David and we can go on. And the bible states these a prefiguring Christ Jesus. They help us to see a clear picture of what His rulership would be like.
The point of the post is we don't need more prophets such as Russell, Rutherford etc.. Christ is the reality of the old testiment. And when we look to any man other then Christ Jesus for futher prophecy we will be mislead.
Certainly there is prophetic fulifillment of the old testiment Christ himself stated there was and the apostle also did but each and eveytime they did it pointed to the center of God's purposes and that is Christ Jesus.
You write: "Moses was instructed by God to institute the Sabbath a physical Sabbath a shadow/picture of Christ Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath."
The thing itself cannot possibly picture the owner of the thing. The Sabbath cannot picture its own Lord, Jesus.
And I would argue that the Sabbath law was instituted by Moses but the concept of the Sabbath transcendences the Mosaic Law, if we believe in the Bible. It is a divine rhythm, a concept we first encounter in Genesis 2:1,2. Thus it is older and superior to the Mosaic Law which was abolished by Jesus.
First the bible teaches that Moses was told by God to instituted the sabbath that not debatable it is a fact found in all bibles. That first command to obey the sabbath was given under the old law and thus the punishment for not obeying the sabbath.
Death was penalty (read your bible) and anyone not obeying this commandment was to receive death. That is the point of all the Law it produced death. What is the only way out of death for a Christain? Basic bible teaching Christ Jesus removed the that penality by fulifilling the Law.
If you do not stop justifying oneself By law then you cannot enter into Christ Jesus because He is our justification. Thus, He is the Lord of the Sabbath. If you enter into Christ Jesus you have life. It does not say you get life in a "New World Order" during the 1000 thousand year rule of Christ Jesus. You must be washed clean in the blood of the lamb Christ Jesus to survive the Great Tribulation that is the true Sabbath rest One must rest from their works and worshiping God through Christ Jesus.
If you do not enter this Sabbath of Christ Jesus you remain in sin and death.
You write: "Throughout the scriptures two (2) point stand-alone: “Physical/Law & Spiritual/Faith. 1.) Physical is always inferior or less 2.) Spiritual is superior and greater. Proving oneself by Law/any law is inferior/less and is mans works; mans work = sin/slavery."
I agree with the two points taken alone. But I partially disagree with the conclusion you reach. You are right in saying that law and works are inferior to spirit and faith but the way of proving of ones obedience depends on the time one lived in.
No! The Law was to produce faith that is more then obedience and that is why Christ time and again reproved the Jew's that the Law did not produce the fruits of faith. Subsequently, they fail to recognize the Son of God. So he went to those cursed by the Law tax collectors and sinners. No one could be justified by the Law they could be justified temporary by the blood of animals. No one could perfect their faith by Law.
By the faith of the prophets they were justified in God's eyes and that is why if we do not have faith in Christ Jesus we cannot be justified in him.
This post is getting too long to address the Greater and Lesser perhaps another day. Please read Hebrews, Ephesians, Galatains, 1 John the subject stand out like a sore tumb.