There is one explanation: In this new world order, we will be as the greys. They are all one mixed-up race, all the same, and without the ability to reproduce (or, their reproduction is tightly controlled by the reptilians). They need to be depicted as identical white men in order to appeal to the masses, but they will be anything but (although they will be identical).
To get there, just keep reading and studying that filthy bible, and praying to its filthy god. Doing that gives it energy to continue us on this path. Elections stolen (and not just Biden, either--this has been going on through Europe, where the people vote for one thing and the deep state imposes something else). Open borders. Pandemics of some horrible disease that turn out about as bad as a stupid cold. Mandatory vaccinations for this cold, that alter your DNA forever. RFID chip enforcement of this vaccine. And still the masks continue. This is leading to communism, and the toilet paper shortage you saw last March and April will be nothing compared to the food shortage coming under this.