We are getting what the reptilians want for our president, as is the case throughout the whole world. Someone that will destroy all of our progress and put us right back into the Darkest Ages. We will own nothing. We will all work 15 hours a day (or more), 7 days a week without so much as a holiday, all sick and always tired. We will get every mandatory vaccine without as much as a peep, because saying anything bad about it will be illegal. No one will be safe anywhere. White people will be a thing of the past, and trying to complain about it will be deemed a hate crime (let alone trying to do anything about it. We will all have to live under Noahide Law, with no hope for science to come back.
We are stuck with it, even though the Constitution was blatantly violated when the reptilians directly messed with the election results (voting for whoever they could use to bring communism to all corners of the earth). There will be no military action. There will be no impeachment, either of Biden or the real communist and anti-white racist Komodo Dragon Harris. All talk, no action--along with mandatory coronavirus vaccines that will cause everyone to be sick all the time (and suffer). Ultimately, the whole world will devolve into a communist paradigm that will make the washtowel seem downright easy.