The Mysterious Missing Islam.....

by snare&racket 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snare&racket

    I've discussed this before but not in this context alone.

    I remember being about 14 years old, 1994 and starting a study in the UK with a charming Muslim from the Congo. He was a very pleasant middle aged guy with a big family, two wives, always the most hospitable.

    At the time the Watchtower had a book on many religions, a thick red book called 'Mankind's search for God' so I would read and discuss the section on Islam with him.

    Interestingly, but not surprising, many details they had were wrong about Islam and he would explain how and correct me.

    Learning about this religion, even at this age, left me pondering where it was in bible text? There was so much in WT literature about the evil Catholics and potentially early JW protestants (lol). There were endless readings and studying about Baa'l and paganism, both the Roman and Greek religious influences on modern day life.

    When talking of 'today' the time of the end there was talk of specific nations that will be important players at the 'time of the end'...America, the UK and the evil Russia (how American-centric and myopic now we think about it). But never mentioned to my 25 year recollection as a JW .... were Muslims and Islam, the 'middle east'.

    As the fastest growing religion on earth with 1.6 billion members, Islam is a giant to the 8 million JW's. The PEW religious research centre states "While the world’s population is projected to grow 32% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70% – from 1.8 billion in 2015 to nearly 3 billion in 2060. In 2015, Muslims made up 24.1% of the global population. Forty-five years later, they are expected to make up more than three-in-ten of the world’s people (31.1%)."

    The politics and history of the planet for the last 70 years has been revolving around the middle east, oil, beliefs and cultures. How many would argue that 9/11 is arguably the biggest event of our generation post WW2. It has set the world apart, christian v muslim all over again! This is not new to our planet. After the early christians died, it was Christian v's Islam for centuries, battling over the Holy lands in endless wars and history, crusades and jihads that shaped our world today, again none of which was prophesied or forseen.

    So why was is Islam, the fastest growing religion, missing from JW doctrine? Why is it missing from the end of the world beliefs and predictions? Why is it missing from bible text?

    ........well it's real simple! Islam came about AFTER the Bible in approx the 7th century. It would only be in the bible (and therefore JW doctrines) if the bible was written by people able to know the future.

    It says much, that it is missing

    Just like dinosaurs, which famously also have no mention in the bible, despite these giant beasts one time ruling the planet for millions of years , only to be wiped out and only re-discovered 'at the time of the end'... they too were not written about in the bible because their discovery only came about millenia after, and the bible would have to be written by people who could know the future somehow....AND.... know the past somehow.

    It says much that they are likewise missing.


  • Harry

    Religion documents the evolution of human ignorance.

  • Harry

    It takes the grandest of lies to create the grandest of religions.

  • WTWizard

    Islam is a lie. And so is Christi-SCAM-ity and judaism. All three are parts of the same plan to bring the whole planet into communism, which they all emulate perfectly. And they all end with your soul being tortured (think: This coronavirus torture shot coming up), not being able to resist (think: This torture shot will be mandatory everywhere on the earth), and enslaved (think: You will be working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, until you die without pay--under this torture). You want this for everyone on the earth, yourself included? Then go ahead and pick one of these three poisons.

  • Phizzy

    The Bible writers were only knowledgeable about their own time, and culture, and narrow geographic area. Their knowledge of history was faulty, as seen by the many errors they made, not just the deliberately made up stuff. They certainly had no knowledge of the future, every prediction they ever made did not come true in the terms that they wrote down, NOT ONE !!

    Your point is spot on, the things that are missing from the Bible make it plain that it is written by ill educated men, even for their own time they know little that is common knowledge in nearby Cultures. And so the Bible is 90% very poor Fiction.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Islam has been wanting to take over the world since its implementation. It's working towards that by terror and breeding. Without doubt the biggest problem mankind will face in future years.

    The WT Society has little to say about them. Imagine writing and illustrating magazines in the style that J F Rutherford did but aimed at Muslims, not Catholics. Imagine a letter writing campaign to some Islamic leader. That would be very dangerous. As far as Islam is concerned JW's want to keep a low profile. Protect the $$$$.


  • LoveUniHateExams

    why was is Islam, the fastest growing religion, missing from JW doctrine? - because some Muslims react extremely violently when their religion is disrespected. A glossy little brochure from the WTS arguing against Muhammad's teachings would certainly fall into this category.

    Although having said this, I'm not entirely convinced of it. I had a conversation with a young JW when I was waking up. And this brother was defending Islam - he said, and I quote, 'they believe the same as us'. I tried to reason with him, saying although they reject some doctrines JWs do (e.g. Trinity, idol worship), they have beliefs of their own (e.g. Muhammad was the last prophet of God).

    He couldn't see the point I was trying to make - it was like banging my head against a brick wall, lol.

  • Harry

    The JWS adherence or acceptance of Islam is that its just another false religion under Satan's rule and guidance.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The JWS adherence or acceptance of Islam is that its just another false religion under Satan's rule and guidance - Is there any Watchtower material from the year 2000 onwards which supports this statement?

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Will be interesting to see an article that point directly that ISLAM is a false RELIGION. Perhaps one needs to see the closing paragraphs of the chapters that touched on Islam as contained in Mankind search for God. Whenever the brochures or tracts are produced concerning Islam it is always about seeking COMMON GROUNDS rather than outright condemnation. I don't think that can be said of Buddhism or other religions.

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