This is what you get for following the archetype of the perfect slave. The writers of the filthy bible, and joke-hova, want us all enslaved under the most miserable conditions imaginable. Any wonder why this thing called jesus should not have been followed so much? Or where your spiritual energy is going, or was going, when you keep going to church or reading that stupid bible?
And the end result is your mandatory vaccination against a cold. This vaccination will carry your RFID chip, while it makes you very sick and miserable for the rest of your life. You will have to live in full communism, working 18 hour days 7 days a week without as much as a holiday, so "god's chosen" can prosper without themselves having to work. There will be nothing to stand out--we will all be the same race (greys), all subject to the same slavery and degradation, and just as that filthy bible indicated, the nation of israel (blatantly written through that whole filthy bible) will be the ruler through that new jerusalem (again, right from that stinking bible). Each time anyone prays to that god or jesus (or allah, for that matter), goes to church (mosques and jokehovian services count), reads that bible or quran, or attempts to use either of these vile pieces of littera-trash for inspiration, you provide your energy for this.
Once again, thanks to all those who put energy into this jesus for our mandatory coronavirus vaccination and the communism to follow.