No, and not just for this stupid little cold. Instead, they need to fix the indoctrination issues they have with schools that make it seem more like jail, and then re-open them. This means no more teaching fake, outdated, or irrelevant "history". No more of this fake black history that is more race baiting than anything else. No more slandering Hitler, or pushing issues that are meant to enslave the whole human race. No more teaching Christi-SCAM-ity or islam as being of any use.
Rather, teach the basics. Without reading, writing, and arithmetic, you can go nowhere. You can't do anything with "black history", real or fake, if you can't read and write. You can't teach the outdated money-leaching holocaust, real or fake, if you don't have any concept of arithmetic. (And language skills.) You need to teach science, and not this "The Establishment is always right" that has been and continues to hold us back. Astrology would also be helpful to teach people, and especially if it were offered as an elective.
And no more political correctness. That is why we are heading unavoidably into communism as we speak, with zero freedoms. If the truth is "too white", then this "whiteness" is actually a good thing--and anyone, regardless of how white they are (or are not) can benefit. Same for math. If certain demographics cannot (or, as the case is, will not because they are being taught to be parasites) learn these things, then let someone that is capable and willing to do the work learn these things. Otherwise, if we simply allow multiple wrong answers to be accepted, we are simply going to end up right back where the cat lick church had us--with zero science.