Great story to push to the front, in order to panic everyone into getting a pair of shots that is just about guaranteed to cause them permanent and serious disability within a few years. You don't hear how many who pushed and shoved in front of the lines, and couldn't wait to get their torture shots, that ended up getting sick and are now in wheelchairs and in severe pain, from those shots.
I would rather continue playing with the odds and not get those torture shots. True, this could be fatal--and so could I get stung by a regular bee and die from that, too. (And the odds are about the same.) As for that Delta variant, for someone that takes no quercetin and is not vaccinated, it is about as dangerous as chicken pox. If you take the quercetin, the danger drops to about what you might expect from a mild bout with poison ivy. A nuisance, at worst. And I wonder how many people got their torture shots, ruined their immune system, and are now very sick or dead from the delta variant--which kills mostly those who took the shots.