Only in severe cases. I still use major companies such as Amazon to buy things, despite that I do not like their viewpoints, because many smaller businesses also rely on Amazon for their own success. I still watch YouTube, even though I frequently have to bash them through feedback for chronic technical problems they never fix (and for their policies about running ads that benefit Google instead of the content creators).
However, there are a few severe cases I will boycott. Since Walmart has so many major problems (including that they sell absolute crap), I will not buy anything from them at all. I minimize use of Google, but for technical issues (sometimes it is still necessary because another service will also go through Google). I also disfavor Nestle because of their policies of taking resources away from the planet (also, because they make poison called "food"). General Electric is the worst company for political grounds--and I haven't bought anything from that abomination since at least 2010. (And they used to have great products--General Electric products from the 1950s and '60s are probably better than the ones made today).
As for Coke and Pepsi, I do not drink their high fructose corn syrup and/or aspartame products. I do not like any of the big drug companies (though soon I am expecting to be forced to get a coronavirus shot I do not want) for safety reasons. McDonalds is poison--and that is reason enough not to use their poisonous products. And sports--I never did like wasting my money and time watching them (and especially political correctness ball, as I have since May 2014 called basketball).