They ought to keep those abominations closed down forever, and not just because The Wimpiest Disease on the Planet is still around. Coronavirus is quite wimpy, but the worse disease is Christi-SCAM-ity. And the jokehovian strain of that virus is especially dangerous. You get it, your soul will suffer and eventually die.
Not to mention, if those buildings are kept locked down forever, there is no way inactive members can be forced back to boasting sessions. And no more field circus. No more Israel missions. No more having to worry about being set up to do missionary work in third world countries in Africa or Latin America. Those who wish to continue attending boasting sessions can do so online, while those who do not simply can refuse to sign in. Once those abominations are opened back up, we get hounding calls--right back to boasting sessions (and sometimes worse than before this coronavirus), right back to forced field circus, right back to annual Israel missions, right back to being recruited to do Africa or Latin America missions that can waste your whole life, right back to having everything you do censored.
With those abominations reopening, coronavirus is the least of your worries. Better, if you are inactive and you think they will go after you (and remember, Christmas decorations and Ouija boards do no good if they end up in the Dumpster), to get those books on Spanish and/or French. (And German.)