'Who you be'
Here's a clip of my previous post. Where do I say I called a Bro. or Sis. a name to their face? You show a typical lack of common sense and ability to read and comprehend. Neither do I say the victims are to blame and the offenders are blameless. In the case mentioned, the offenders where dissed and the authorities were notified. We found out both the husband and wife had outstanding warrants and had been on the run. It took a great deal of shepherding AND recommended professional help to help out the young daughter as well as the offenders' kids. The friends in the congregation opened up their homes for the offenders' kids while Child Services made arrangements with their closest relatives. Each time any of the Elders who proved to be a "hiding place from the rainstorm" run into any of the three victims we're greeted with hugs of appreciation. As I mentioned, any kid that's taken advantage of is blameless. It's the parents and the offenders that are held accountable. Yes, there are times when a parents judgment may seem good and turn out disastrous. I'm not talking about those occassions. I'm talking about those that throw common sense, thinking ability, and instinct out the window because "It's a Brother.". As I mentioned, so many friends let their guard down when they walk through the KH doors.
Please, please, please......I am not talking down to anyone here and i'm sorry if I come across that way. I get so angry when adults inside or outside the Org. are mad that other adults took advantage of them. I say adults because those of you that were kids in the truth are innocent. Personally, I wish I could take a baseball bat to your parents and whack some sense into them. It's their idiocy and their offenders that gives JDubs a bad name.
Jehovah said he would take the foolish things of the world to put the wise things to shame. Some of the foolish idiots in the Org. are too stupid to get out of their own way. Imagine what they'd do if the Org. wasn't around?!!! ******Tangent***** quick story. Recently there was a couple that allowed their daughter to go on vacation with a family that had just moved to the local cong. No forwarded publisher record cards, no elder body contact, nada! By the time the daughter came back ,the damage was nearly irreversible. The vacationing parents were coke addicts. Profanity, drug dealing, fighting, and the father making passes at the girl when he was "high" was enough to send that poor little girl over the edge. Her parents reasoning? "How would we have known? They're in the Truth."!!!!!!!! I could have given a roundhouse kick to the side of both of their heads!!!! ******Back*****