Just wondering if ex-JWs find it hard to trust others since their bad experience or are they still gullble souls? Just wondering because some of the stories I read about past experiences are off the charts! Some of you, your childhoods, your parents are seriously jacked up! Do you consider yourself emotionally stable or borderline schitzo? What is the main contributing factor? Not playing high school sports/attending prom? Hypocritical parents? Abuse? Fear of demons/boogey man watching your every move?
I consider myself an average guy. Nothing special. But, I could never see myself being led by the nose in the Org. the way most of you were. When the CO. visits I don't try to impress him. If I don't want to help out, I don't. If I prefer to sleep in instead of fs, I do. I never give contributions (primarily because when I was studying, I was told all the gold belongs to Jehovah. So I figured if He needs money, He can get it.). I look at it as, they asked me to be appointed, I didn't ask them.
I associate with my "non-believing" relatives. I attend their funerals and weddings in the churches of christendom. I attend social gatherings by workmates.
And i'm not the only one. There's tons of JW's that openly do this also. Now, the "old guard" may look down on this and not do these things, but what of it? What are they going to do? Give parts during the meetings? The majority of them can't see or stand up for longer than 2 minutes.
Quite frankly, I don't know how some of you weren't smart enough to just become inactive rather than getting dissed so you allow your STUPID relatives the freedom to still associate with you.