After reading every post yours has truly got me thinking twice
I think you might as well go ahead with it now. You've been announcing it in several posts here. Do you think this stuff is so secret? These posts are going to be around for a while.
I have committed no crime in expression my ideas. And could not care less if I was found out.
Many rebound affairs aren't very healthy things. Sometimes you wind up using the other person who might be starting to get feelings for you and sympathy for your situation. This comment really hurt me. I would hate to think of myself just using another woman. My one/two/three night stand now feels so dirty. Whilst she is a consenting adult, there is a minute chance she wants a little more, unlikely but possible ( I am super attractive you see). She might get hurt.
That scares me.
I do know you might be feeling like "Ha! You wouldn't give it to me, I went out and got it for myself". And if the divorce gets heated, you may get into an argument and throw out the affair to try to make her mad.
Not a chance of that. I am far too measured for that. 7rs practice.
I really don't know your situation. Maybe legally you don't have anything to lose. I don't know if you ever answered whether you had children or not.
7yrs of abstinence = no kids.
If she does find out, it gives her the satisfaction of knowing her divorce is legal in JW terms and allows her to remarry. Why give her that?
She will not find out. I promise.
And then you can let her suffer. I'm sure there'll be some guy on her mind some day. But if she doesn't have evidence you've cheated, she won't be able to get too involved. If it's feasible, move to a different town and disappear. Best would be to not even let her know you remarry if you ever do.
Vengeance. I had not even thought of that. Sounds so sweet. This thread and post has been really helpful