Violet, May you have peace! I wish to share with you what i have heard the spirit speak in regards your questions. Yet i do not wish for you to believe on account of my witness but go on believing from Him that has sent me.
It is true that the sons of God did infact go on to have women as wives for themselves. However, God did not wait 'thousands and thousands of years' to punish these angels. For it is written in Genesis 6:1-4 the Nephilim WERE the angels that had disobeyed and took women as wives for themselves, and yet please keep in mind 2 Peter 2:4 where it clearly states that they were 'punished' for this act and thrown into tartarus where they await judgement. Seeing how adam was allowed to live longer after he sinned...the Nephilim were immediately thrown into tartarus once they returned in the beginning of the flood. They are not permitted to 'hang around heaven coming and going as they please.' And were NOT thrown out in 1914. For it is written in Luke 10:18 immediately after Jah-Eshua being 'lifted up' from the dead that He already began to behold Satan being thrown out of heaven. In Mt 28:18 Jah-Eshua also speaks of having 'all authority' would this not include to cast out Satan? Death had reigned from Adam until Moses, even over them (Romans 5:14) Yet by now the ransom was complete there was no place found for Satan and his demons by this point so they were cast out unto the earth because the kingdom of the world had become the kingdom of Jah-Eshua. (Revelation 12:8-12) This is the 'punishment' that you speak of was indeed given as soon as all 'authority' had been given to our Lord and 'they had over come' 'the dragon, original serpent, one called Satan and Devil,' and his angels, ' because of the blood of the lamb, and the word of their testimony.' Yet by now 'Life and Death' was put before man and had been since Adam sinned. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Such 'undeserved kindness' has been showen to man. True man DOES suffer yet if ONLY they would listen to the commandments of Jah and the Word of Jah (Jah-Eshua) that their 'peace would become like a river and their righteiousness like the waves of the sea' (Isaiah 48:18) Yes for the WAGES of SIN is Death, but everlasting life is FREEgift given by means of Jah-Eshua Mischa-Jah. (Romans 6:23)
Undecided: Jah-Eshua has spoken on many occasions that "NO ONE goes through the Father except through Me" (John14:6) Even men of old did so such as Moses (Hebrews 11:24-26). For the Word of Jah is Jah-Eshua, (John 1:1, 1:14) and it is written that men of old did speak THROUGH the 'Word of Jah' (Numbers 15:31, Numbers 22:18, Gn 15:1, Gn 15:4, 1 Samuel 3:7, 1 King 6:11, Ex 9:20) They were not permitted to speak directly with Jah of Armies. We are not permitted to speak directly because no one knows the Father except the Son and no one knows the Son except the Father.(Luke 10:22) To ALL: Go on following Him that sent me and drink Life's water free!
Your Servent In Christ
Edited by - FiveShadows on 30 June 2002 21:18:57