The Watchtower pulled a bait and switch by changing the baptism in 1985 so that members are baptized into an organization. People baptized before then could rightfully claim they were defrauded.
JoinedPosts by kurtbethel
Jehovah's Witnesses Baptism Fraud
by Watchtower-Free ini found this on youtube .........................emotional video.
"in the summer of 1946, i was baptized at the international convention in cleveland, ohio.
ATMs in assembly halls
by Xanthippe ini only heard about these atms last year on this forum.
the poster seemed to be saying they are for donating only, is that correct?
absolutely gobsmacked over this, don't the brothers see any correlation between this and the likes of jimmy swaggart?
The Watchtower speaks with a deceptive forked tongue. Here in their own words today they claim they don't take collections and that they have donation boxes.
Our preaching work is primarily financed by voluntary donations from Jehovah’s Witnesses. No collections are taken at our meetings, and members are not required to tithe. (Matthew 10:7, 8) Instead, contribution boxes are provided in our meeting places so that if someone wishes to make a donation, he may do so. Donors remain anonymous.
The reality is quite a lot different. They regularly hustle you for your bank accounts, real estate, stocks, insurance and other financial benefits. There is nothing anonymous about these financial assets. They lie deceptively to the public, giving the appearance of accepting anonymous loose change in a contribution box, while secretly shaking down established members for all the money they can get.
ATMs in assembly halls
by Xanthippe ini only heard about these atms last year on this forum.
the poster seemed to be saying they are for donating only, is that correct?
absolutely gobsmacked over this, don't the brothers see any correlation between this and the likes of jimmy swaggart?
Make no mistake about it. The Watchtower runs a big financial shakedown while they criticize others for it.
Right! So the meeting last night, a few interesting things
by Jon Preston inso i havent been to a meeting in some time and my wife decided we should go.
we showed up late, i was love bombed by an elder with a man-hug where i felt i was made a spectacle of.
moving on.
Whenever considering anything the Watchtower teaches about the Bible, keep in mind that their scholarship is very shoddy. How shoddy is it? They have claimed that both Satan and Jesus are the 'angel of the abyss" mentioned in Revelation 9. Any Bible commentators who are ignorant enough to confuse Jesus and Satan as they have done are unworthy of being taken seriously.
Since the Governing Body can make up anything and people will believe it...
by kurtbethel in...why don't they make up a rule like this intrepid pastor did?.
kenyan pastor makes women take off panties & bras during churchposted by: olumide on march 4, 2014. .
a pastor from a church in dandora phase 2, an eastern suburb nairobi, the kenyan capital, has ordered all female members to go to the church free that is without bras and panties for christ to enter their lives.. reverend njohi of the lords propeller redemption church has advised female worshippers against wearing any undergarments to the church, calling them ungodly.. in a meeting chaired by him, a law was passed banning the wearing of inner wears.
...why don't they make up a rule like this intrepid pastor did?
Kenyan Pastor Makes Women Take Off Panties & Bras During Church
Posted by: Olumide on March 4, 2014
A pastor from a church in Dandora Phase 2, an eastern suburb Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, has ordered all female members to go to the church ‘free’ – That is without bras and panties for Christ to enter their lives.
Reverend Njohi of the Lord’s Propeller Redemption Church has advised female worshippers against wearing any undergarments to the church, calling them ungodly.
In a meeting chaired by him, a law was passed banning the wearing of inner wears. Njohi claims that when going to church, people need to be free in ‘body’ and ‘spirit’ to receive Christ.
He went ahead to warn members of dire consequences if they secretly put on their inner wears. A member of the church who pleaded anonymity said at last Sunday’s service, women dressed as the pastor had ordered without bras and panties.
Mothers were also advised to do same and check their daughters when coming to church on Sundays so as to receive Christ too.
Greatest Period in World History
by GreenhornChristian infour years ago i was still in the org.
completly enjoying an extended coffee break when an elderly (80+) brother coyly remarked with a half smile on his face and holding up his third cup as if to salute his revelation "these sure are critical times hard to deal with.
i nervously laughed along and then quickly changed the subject as a dutiful elder should.
I would like to live in the era of the Middenly Expanse, especially around the 2770's
You know you have been out long when............
by donny inyou know you have been out of the organization for some time when no members of the present governing body were "ruling" during your sojurn.
i have tried to keep up with who is a member and learn a bit about each one.. of the current crop, i find anthony morris iii to be the most grating and irritating to listen to.
who do you find the most annoying?
Evidently not an alpha male among that sorry bunch.
What's the greatest movie no-one's ever heard of?
by rory-ks inyou know, that film you really love, but when you mention it everyone's, like, "eh?".
i'll get the ball rolling.
for me: ulee's gold..
Okay, I've got one that rates high on the tomatometer and other ratings, and that I enjoyed quite a bit. (despite the "bad astronomy")
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
So, in summary, there is no active JW that can defend "the truth" in any coherent manner.
Time to stick a fork in it.
Jesus washing feet in underwear or naked?
by John_Mann injohn 13:4,5. got up from the evening meal and laid aside his outer garments.
and taking a towel, he wrapped it around his waist.. after that he put water into a basin and started to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them off with the towel that was wrapped around him.. .
the wt "translates" himatia as outer garments but some other translations says just clothes.. if he were wearing just an underwear, why wrap a towel around the waist?
Watchtower Jesus gets Baptised
The Kingdom is at Hand - page 65 Rub a Dub!