It's the personal stories that really break my heart. There was a woman and her daughter in my congregation who I have known 33 years. I knew her daughter as a baby. The mom and daughter were very close to our family. We went on vacations together, etc. This girl practically grew up in my house and became the best friend of my daughter. Being a good, obedient daughter, she was baptized at the ripe old age of 14. When she was in her early twenties she met a man at work who she fell in love with. She fought with her emotions over the situation, but eventually love won out. They became engaged, and she stopped attending meetings. When it was discovered that they had moved in together a couple of months before the marriage, she was disfellowshipped. Since then the mom will have NOTHING to do with, has sent her letters back unopened, won't talk on the phone. All they had was each other as family in this world, and now both have nothing. It is too friggin' tragic for words, and both of them cry over the situation, but the mom won't budge, despite the daughter pleading and trying to reason with her.
When I became inactive she was the first one I called. My conscience bothered me constantly over the years that she was df'd and I didn't reach out to her. Now I am trying to be a sub-mom, and we love each other very much. Btw, this girl does NOTHING df worthy now, has her own business and a great marriage to a wonderful man, and is treated like a leper by her own mother and only family.
It is like a death, or more accurately murder. A mother has lost her daughter and a daughter her mother.
This is only one story. There are thousands, I'm sure, equally tragic. The nine old men in brooklyn don't give a Sh*t about people - that is for sure.