my husband graduated HS in 1969 and pioneered, which was pretty much the only option. The Vietnam war was on, so for young men it was either pioneer or go to prison. Going to college was out of the question for good dubs. We raised 2 kids, but life was definately a struggle at times. My son graduated HS in 2000 and I made damn sure he went to college.
JoinedPosts by whoknows
"This Generation" New Light:" A Death Sentence For 40-50-Something JWs
by Room 215 inone of the mesages emanating from the "new light"rhetoric is that it might be prudent to prepare to die before armageddon.
better to forget about the assurances that "you will never grow old, much less die" in this old system; maybe it's time to enact a macabre plan b and latch onto a cemetary plot and prepaid funerals....
Losing my Religion by Stephen T. McGuire (mirror from KickStarter.flv)
by LuciousVBogeymanProd inplease check this out.
hollywood producer seeking seed money for $million film on jehovah's witnesses.. .
Great cause guys!
"Losing My Religion" Film Project needs help
by Dogpatch inpassing this on from jim moon:.
subject: exjw documentaryhi everyone!.
one of my exjw friends in los angeles is developing a documentary about the jws entitled "losing my religion" and he asked me to forward information to anyone i thought might be interested in helping out with its development.
This is a great cause. A film like this can be very powerful in helping others to be free. Love the title Stephan!
by AllTimeJeff inthank you all.. it seems that we former jw's have excellent reasons to be be upset.
between being lied to about how russell and rutherford started this fruity little cult, having to deal with the coverups of pedophiles and other criminals, the mysoginistic treatment of women, being lied to about 1914 and the related date of 607 bce, the ridiculous and ever changing blood doctrine, being lied to about gb involvement in the un, the changed it once and now back again understanding of what a "generation" is, being lied to about when the end of this system was supposed to come, being lied to about 1975, being told not to go to college and instead explore the underrated world of window washing with the outstanding income potential it produces...... *panting* i am sorry, i am out of breath...... my point is this, (and i speak from experience): former jw's are pretty raw.
and thus, easily exploitable on internet boards by trolls.. trolls see this.
Excellent post ATJ. It was Renaii that I remember when I started lurking. Her presence just confirmed the falsehoods to me.
Disfellowshipping - But You KNEW About It Before You Were Baptized!
by Georgiegirl instarted a new topic b/c i didn't want to threadjack another ongoing pointless debate.
:) (isn't it interesting how the apologists all come out around dc time?).
i have seen that statement made over and over again by jws about disfellowshipping.
Thank you Georgiegirl for starting this thread. I don't post often, but I read everyday, and the comments of Bane regarding dfing were very offensive and inaccurate. My husband was 8 and I was 16 when we were baptized, him in 1959 and me in 1968. How much do you think we really understood at that point? You can't sign a contract until you are at least 18, and the consequences of being df'ed are far more catastrophic than violating a contract. WE WERE KIDS, WHO HAD BEING INTENSELY BRAINWASHED. Nobody deserves to be punished for the rest of their lives for a decision they made as a child (or an adult for that matter). Get real.
Cynthia Franz Contact Information
by Outaservice inhi everyone,.
many have expressed a desire to show sympathy and concern for cynthia franz somehow and wonder the best way they can do this or how they can help.. if you would like to write a letter or card to her and/or send her a little gift contribution, the following address would be best and safest.. cynthia franz, c/o commentary press, po box 43532, atlanta, ga 30336-0502.. thank you..
Cynthia Franz Contact Information
by Outaservice inhi everyone,.
many have expressed a desire to show sympathy and concern for cynthia franz somehow and wonder the best way they can do this or how they can help.. if you would like to write a letter or card to her and/or send her a little gift contribution, the following address would be best and safest.. cynthia franz, c/o commentary press, po box 43532, atlanta, ga 30336-0502.. thank you..
Thank you - you answered my question -
Watchtower Comments is producing a tribute video for Raymond Franz
by besty inwatchtower comments is producing a tribute video for raymond franz.
we want you to be a part of this.please record a brief audio statement expressing how raymond franz helped you, either personally or by reading his books crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom.
contributors will be kept anonymous unless you state the audio file to [email protected].
Typical email exchange I just had with a JW
by jwfacts inmost of the emails that i receive from jws are short and to the point - i am wrong and jehovah will soon exact vengeance on me.
they never identify where i am wrong.
here is a typical one.
My, my. Such nastiness from Donna, a "true " Christian.
Your responses were great Paul.
The Grandest "witness" that each of us could give to the world looks to be shortly upon us. Will you be there? (In honor of Ray Franz)
by StoneWall inmany of us are aware of the stroke that raymond franz had yesterday,.
that he is on life support and it doesn't look like he is going to pull through.. someone on another thread mentioned if he didn't survive how many.
was planning on attending his funeral.. to me this deserves its own thread.. .
Thanks ATJ - so well said.