One of the mesages emanating from the "new Light"rhetoric is that it might be prudent to prepare to die before Armageddon. Better to forget about the assurances that "you will never grow old, much less die" in this old system; maybe it's time to enact a macabre Plan B and latch onto a cemetary plot and prepaid funerals...
"This Generation" New Light:" A Death Sentence For 40-50-Something JWs
by Room 215 15 Replies latest social current
If you're still young enough get your finances in order so you don't have to work at Walmart till you're 80.
Wow never thought of how this would affect my folks who are in... The are in their mid 50's.
I sell funeral plans as an add-on to my Will writing business, I must start to target those dubs !
My father figured out when he was about 65 that he was in trouble. He had rented a house for the past 20 years, he had very little savings because he never tried to advance his career so we always had just enough to get by. whoops. they had been waiting on Armageddon since 1945 when they had become witnesses. People told them my brother would probably never have to go to school. He now has great grand kids. but was dad knew how to get things done quickly. he started growing Vidalia Onions on land he rented from a friend of his. In 3 years he had made enough money to buy land and build a house and have a bit of a nest egg put away. He never touched the nest egg. He and mom lived on their Social Security. of course they never got to go anywhere except assemblies. He died two years ago at 85. He was a smart man, but he just couldn't give up the idea that one day God was going to bring him and the earth into a better life. I gave up the idea at about age 25 after watching what happened to him.
Designer Stubble
Awake!1969 May 22 p.15
"If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. ... Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in highschool and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!"Those who DID choose for higher education in 1969 are now with comfortable retirement. Those who followed the above recommendation are likely still struggling to get by.
Please let the younger generation learn from this!
I am so sorry to hear about your father. My parents fortunately were already fully grown (in fact, I was sixteen at the time) when they learned the "truth". However, it saddens me that they used to talk about it often in terms of living through it and seeing us all be together well along into their late 70s, its a bit sobering. But like you, even at my age of 48, I've stopped associating with the religion. I chose to go to college when younger, but some of my siblings didn't and we talked the other day now about how are we going to handle retirement.
Its just so pitiful the path they have led people down...
Its just so pitiful the path they have led people down...
So true, Death Sentry. My Dad's in his 80s -- you'd think he'd have realized it's bupkis my now.
In reality the New Generation doctrine is the GB retirement fund all set up for themselves.
The sad fact is many JWS who are in their 70's and above are very poor, since their preparation for them to retire wasn't paid attention to.
Now we have the baby boom generation that is about to retire and they too are not making the wise decisions for their retirement.
The cycle continues, at best this young generation today may have a bit more awareness to themselves regarding this matter.
The next step will be for all these elderly and mid-life JWs to tell their kids and grandkids to GO TO COLLEGE and get a CAREER that pays well and offers excellent BENEFITS and PENSIONS. Then they'll tell them to INVEST IN REAL ESTATE so they will eventually have a house that is theirs free-and-clear. They'll tell them to SET ASIDE MONEY for their children to go to COLLEGE.
This is a very, very good thing for JWs - TNG (with apologies to Gene Roddenberry).