You should have
1. Asked him he likes hot dogs
2. Complemented him on his tight trousers( or pants.. whichever word you want to use)
at the international convention here i just got off the elevator with anthony morris.
he was heading to the basement and i was heading up to administration.
i rode one floor down with him before i went up to my destination.
You should have
1. Asked him he likes hot dogs
2. Complemented him on his tight trousers( or pants.. whichever word you want to use)
did you loath them?
did you feel it was a "privilege" to have the elders care deeply about your spiritual well being?
if you were an elder or ministerial servant, did you enjoy going to the homes of the sheep?.
According to the well known "Elders guide to the universe",
An elder may shepherd at the publisher's home,
at the Kingdom Hall, while in field service, over the
telephone, or on other occasions.
So maybe a shepherding "call" was made on you while you were at the KH or you got
a phone call. Or maybe when you were going from door to door. I wonder when
sherpherding will be done by a text message or by email, as this might well come under "other occasions".
Sample shepherding template:
Hi Brother ____________
How are you?
We miss you.
Why are you not commenting/ attending meetings / going regularly on field service /
(insert other criticism) ___________________
Read the Bible more.
Have a good day.
(End of shepherding text)
i'm sitting here at the mtg, and i can't believe the mind numbing stupidity of this weeks wt "study"...( i use the word study loosely too by the way...).
how many dumb repeated questions can be posed to try and make a point?.
the opening paragraph illustration re blindness is classic!
Don't get into a flap
about the generation overlap
it's just a load of c**p
they pulled it out of a hat
like some magic act
and put it in gift wrap
like some kind of trap
but don't worry, take a nap
it will soon be scrap
and that's that.
i just got information that there is going to be a short 10 min meeting.
with elders and ms after the first meeting of the week during the co visit.. this is in addition to the usual elders/ms meeting.. it might just be for my congregation, but is this something new?.
i wonder why.. .
Probably I will hear something like...
" blah blah more...blah blah blah..not doing enough...blah blah more return visits...blah blah blah...set the lead....blah blah blah
i just got information that there is going to be a short 10 min meeting.
with elders and ms after the first meeting of the week during the co visit.. this is in addition to the usual elders/ms meeting.. it might just be for my congregation, but is this something new?.
i wonder why.. .
Thanks for the reply. He is not a new CO. This is maybe the third visit so he knows all of us pretty well.
Maybe it's just his thing, but he hasn't done it before.
Guess I just have to wait and see. Probably nothing special.
i just got information that there is going to be a short 10 min meeting.
with elders and ms after the first meeting of the week during the co visit.. this is in addition to the usual elders/ms meeting.. it might just be for my congregation, but is this something new?.
i wonder why.. .
I just got information that there is going to be a short 10 min meeting
with Elders and MS after the first meeting of the week during the CO visit.
This is in addition to the usual Elders/MS meeting.
It might just be for my congregation, but is this something new?
I wonder why.
not sure when i came to this conclusion but i can't imagine living forever.
after a while i think i would be completly bored with everything.. not saying i wouln't like to live for a few hundred years or maybe even a few thousand if i could travel through space and discover other universes star trek style.
but the thought of living forever sounds like it would eventually become a complete drag.. maybe i'm wrong, maybe after a thousand years or so you would foregt all the stuff that happend at the beginning and just start over in an infinite loop..
i have recently been given the privilege of taking the field service group.. .
can anyone give me some scriptures i can use to encourage the group?
can you also give a reason as to why these scriptures are helpful to our ministry.. .
Knowing that probably the last thing most of the b/s want to do is actually go from house to house,taking the field service arrangement would be a great opportunity to use scriptures like...
Mark 6:30,31. Jesus encouraged rest. Probably this is a good opportunity to apply that encouragement.
You could assign one group to go to a peaceful place like the library and take a nap to meditate on Jesus words.
Another group could be assigned to park witnessing.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 could be applied. Sitting by a lake and throwing the tracts and magazines in it would be very therapeutic.We never know what the result of that could be.
If there are enough to make another group they could be assigned to go to the local cemetery. Ps 115:17. There they can find a lot of people resting and not praising Jehovah, so it would be a good place to practice presenting the magazines. The reaction from the those RIP would probably be about the same as the one that would be found in the the house to house work, so it would be beneficial to hone witnessing skills.
Probably those scriptures would be good.