Same happened to me yesterday.
The announcement was made
"Another 21 have signed up for Aux Pioneer during August"
Names read.
Not mine
Wife next to me ( who had signed up) obviously uncomfortable that my name not
read out.
Me ..... Don't care.
Me wondering why the names have to be read out anyway.
What happened to the "you don't need to pioneer just do your best ..Jehovah knows.."
Now... it's not just names on a list, it is read out to the whole congregation, like a badge of honor
or somesuch.
Almost like the scroll of life... Sorry your name is not on here ...ZAP!...... gone
Well, Warhol said "in the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.
Let them have their fame.
I am not giving into peer pressure ( sorry stuckinarut2 but I understand your decision)