Probably Eve would have given the parrot the bird.
Explanation > give somebody the bird (American & Australian very informal)
to make a very impolite sign by raising your middle finger towards someone in order to show that you are angry with them
would that change your view on the account???
plausible.. .
Probably Eve would have given the parrot the bird.
Explanation > give somebody the bird (American & Australian very informal)
to make a very impolite sign by raising your middle finger towards someone in order to show that you are angry with them
what was the most outrageous comment you ever heard during a wt study?.
please share your experiences..
Talking about the internet.
One elder encouraging the "non use" of the internet
said a while ago "actually it should be called Satans net. "
Lots of head nodding..
Wonder what they think of that comment now, when you can see JW.ORG plastered
over everything that comes out of that "lets take over the world( or peoples lives) by using the internet "
a question for those that still attend meetings.... how many use tablets or ipads in your hall?.
i did roving microphones this week, and i counted 43 people (variety of ages) out of an audience of 98!.
just curious....
I was at an assembly recently and just to ward off the boredom I watched how those with tablets were
using ( or trying to use them).
Seriously most did not have a clue and it took them ages to find a scripture.
Also some were taking notes by typing and they looked like some kind of strange praying mantis
trying to find the right keys to press.
I wonder how much of the talk actually went into their brains as it seems most were lost just trying to figure out
how to use the tablet. Multitasking was not prevelent among those listening.
But thanks to the Governing Body's push to use them, I can use mine in the meeting and it sure helps to pass the time.
All we need now is a directive to "skype" meeting talks to everyone so we don't even need to attend the meeting in person.
Don't say it won't happen......
hi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
An important message for a practicing Jehovah's witness:
ok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
Same happened to me yesterday.
The announcement was made
"Another 21 have signed up for Aux Pioneer during August"
Names read.
Not mine
Wife next to me ( who had signed up) obviously uncomfortable that my name not
read out.
Me ..... Don't care.
Me wondering why the names have to be read out anyway.
What happened to the "you don't need to pioneer just do your best ..Jehovah knows.."
Now... it's not just names on a list, it is read out to the whole congregation, like a badge of honor
or somesuch.
Almost like the scroll of life... Sorry your name is not on here ...ZAP!...... gone
Well, Warhol said "in the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.
Let them have their fame.
I am not giving into peer pressure ( sorry stuckinarut2 but I understand your decision)
at the international convention here i just got off the elevator with anthony morris.
he was heading to the basement and i was heading up to administration.
i rode one floor down with him before i went up to my destination.
You should have
1. Asked him he likes hot dogs
2. Complemented him on his tight trousers( or pants.. whichever word you want to use)
did you loath them?
did you feel it was a "privilege" to have the elders care deeply about your spiritual well being?
if you were an elder or ministerial servant, did you enjoy going to the homes of the sheep?.
According to the well known "Elders guide to the universe",
An elder may shepherd at the publisher's home,
at the Kingdom Hall, while in field service, over the
telephone, or on other occasions.
So maybe a shepherding "call" was made on you while you were at the KH or you got
a phone call. Or maybe when you were going from door to door. I wonder when
sherpherding will be done by a text message or by email, as this might well come under "other occasions".
Sample shepherding template:
Hi Brother ____________
How are you?
We miss you.
Why are you not commenting/ attending meetings / going regularly on field service /
(insert other criticism) ___________________
Read the Bible more.
Have a good day.
(End of shepherding text)
i'm sitting here at the mtg, and i can't believe the mind numbing stupidity of this weeks wt "study"...( i use the word study loosely too by the way...).
how many dumb repeated questions can be posed to try and make a point?.
the opening paragraph illustration re blindness is classic!
Don't get into a flap
about the generation overlap
it's just a load of c**p
they pulled it out of a hat
like some magic act
and put it in gift wrap
like some kind of trap
but don't worry, take a nap
it will soon be scrap
and that's that.