JoinedPosts by still_in74
Excuse me, but this is sickening (DA Contributions)
by winstonchurchill ina letter from the wts was just read to our congregation: during upcoming district assemblies, there will be credit card terminal available so people can donate using their credit/debit cards.. maybe it's old news, but i just found out last monday, and i find it terribly disturbing.
the wts/jw's is becoming more and more mainstream, not different at all form those churches that are only after your money... oh, wait!
maybe tey are only after our money.. .
Pennsylvania Slavings and Loan......)
After the Smurfs ... JWs paranoia hits again
by behemot ini read on an ex-jws italian forum that in certain congregations witnesses are getting rid of their hello kitty toys.
the reason?
well, it's because the hello kitty is mouthless ... and that's how the "story" (the metropolitan legend) goes: .
good lord.
i remember hearing in the 80's that "smurf" meant "demon" in German!!!!!!!!
Blood Fraction or Blood Transfusion- Are they same?
by Scott77 inwhen the bible states to 'obstain from blood', does it indicates a whole blood product or just part of blood as blood fraction?
please, how are we going to interpret this contradiction on the part of the watchtower bilble and tract society of new york?
another related questions: when the bilble commands us to obtain from blood, is this for a religious reason as opposed to medical need?
sometimes you just have look at picture at a different angle to clearly make out what your actually seeing
Well put.....
Glad to help Scott! thanks for kudos....
Apostate CO?
by Marmite inwhat would you think if a co said the following things from the platform?
during a talk entitled the spirit and the bride keep on saying "come" he goes off at a tangent talking about how from 1920 to 1925 we said "millions now living will never die".
he went into great detail about how at first the title was "may" but was changed to"will".
problem is they dont hear it.
I gave a talk last week that should have sent the dubbies home in tears and all I got were pats on the back for doing such a "good job on my talk"
Short of masterbating over a Watchtower mag I dont think anything will wake up the R&F drones in the audience long enough to get them to actually think about what is being said off the stage......
For those of you going to meetings, assemblies or conventions, try this.....
by awildflower inthe last official 'meeting' i went to was in january at our two day assembly.
believe me i didn't want to go but i did and took a different kind of notes.
for one i wrote down in my note book words like "faithful and discreet slave", gb, organization, fruits of the spirit, jesus, and put a check mark next to each time i heard one of them, (just like when we were kids guys!).
i text A@G during assemblies and he makes fun of me for being there! its great fun...
Blood Fraction or Blood Transfusion- Are they same?
by Scott77 inwhen the bible states to 'obstain from blood', does it indicates a whole blood product or just part of blood as blood fraction?
please, how are we going to interpret this contradiction on the part of the watchtower bilble and tract society of new york?
another related questions: when the bilble commands us to obtain from blood, is this for a religious reason as opposed to medical need?
THEY ARE THE EXACT SAME GOD DAM THING! - the WTS is just using this to appease the antagonists. Its pure self-serving hypocrisy!
How Does a Jehovah's Witness Prove Their Faith
by passwordprotected innew freeminds blog (with the ability to leave comments!)..
i examine how jehovah's witnesses are expected to prove their faith and what that shows about where their faith is actually placed.. i'd really appreciate your comments, either here or on the blog itself..
androb 31 has it spot on! - AND notice that there is not a single item that says you need to love Jehovah.
you could hate Jehovah and still be "righteous" to the org because the org defines righteousness by works not faith. As long as you appear righteous by living up to the orgs standards then that is all you need....
Drama Topic for 2009 DC. Here's the scoop.
by Open mind inooh, ooh.
who wants to know what the drama's about?.
father - "why did you leave son?"
son - "because Satans world was just so tempting!" (hangs head in shame covering his eyes and shaking his head rapidly)
father - "you know son, Jehovah's organization has more to offer than Satans world ever could."
son - "I know now. Ooooh how could I have been so STUPID! To think - I had Jehovahs approval and I threw it in His face and went over to Satan! How could I have been such a fool to turn my back on Jehovah and His organization?? I must be the STUPIDEST person on the planet to have been so STUPID to leave Jehovahs organization!"
father - "yes son, you were. But Jehovahs organization is willing to forgive you and if you repent and loyally submit to the FDS & its GB Jehovah will forgive you too. After all, if the Organization forgives you then Jehovah HAS to forgive you. That is Jehovahs promise. Its in the bible."
son - "well I am not going to ask you for a scriptural reference because if the FDS & its GB said its in the bible then ITS IN the bible. Thanks so much dad for helping me to see that in order for Jehovah to not irradiate me in the near future at Armageddon I need to demonstrate loyal submission to the Governing Body today"
father - "your welcome son. So what say you and I say a quick prayer to the Governing Body?"
Son - "sounds good to me dad!"
Drama Topic for 2009 DC. Here's the scoop.
by Open mind inooh, ooh.
who wants to know what the drama's about?.
Whenever I asked my mom about 1975, her immediate words were, "Yeah, but the Society said it was sorry!".
yes but so did the Catholic church over the inquisition. So I guess thats okay too right?