JoinedPosts by fiveangels
Anyone Else from Canada?
by Miss 8572 ini'm really intrigued by that fact that i may know some of you and yet not know that i know you.
i just want to know how many people from canada are here.
if you don't mind and don't care about posting your province (cause i'm too timid to) we could all get an idea of just how many canucks are really out there.
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
hi again,you guys were all so nice with your kind words and all,I just thought I would update.
Yesterday I got him to take me out to his house so I could get my stuff,he packed a few things
and then we talked-said he still wanted me and would always but he was going to marry a jw
and it didnt matter what i did,then he asked me to lay with him,of course i did because i still love the man(crazy
i know)said he had to think some things through.Today my daughter and i went for lunch and sawhim there
with her so i stopped and introduced myself to her,saying i was one of his girlfriends.Then when she was up
paying for thier lunch i said to him-"i should've taken all my stuff instead of letting you do this to me.Hefreaked-said to stay out of his personal life(was i not part of his personal life) and not piss him off- i told him not to piss me off that all he had to do was be honest with me he actually made quite a scene in front of her.What i did today was not like me at all,i'm sure this isn't over yet.any feedback?????
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
i'm kinda stupid when it comes to something like this-give me details,tell me how i can make this work,please
like what exactly should i do.Your plan sounds so awesome just need your help figuring it out.Sorry for being so stupid.
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
if i said he had herpes,would that not mean i would have to have it too and wouldn't a doctors test be necessary
for them to believe it.any other suggestions without breaking the law?I kinda a thought if i left my stuff there i could send
a jw out there to see it.I know i'm grasping and probably sound so like i'm repeating my self over and over but i am so confused and so comsumed by all this
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
thanx for all the advice and suggestions.i am trying to get on with my life,i know i have to but i still can't
stop thinking that he should pay (be hurt)for what he's done(he did this twice) iwould like him to know that
one of theElders wives told me he was on chaperoned dates which when he talked to me Friday nite,he denied
said not to believe gossip.(i didnt tell him where i heard about his date)he has me so messed up,we were planning a future
together until he decided he didn't want to get caught being with me.Sorry for being such a pain.
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
again thanx,but this hasn't ended yet,there's more- i do the books for him and his partner(non JW)
i see him everyday,just knowing i can't touch him or have him touch me(like we used to)is going
to drive me crazy.Jobs with a decent wage in this town are far and few between.
Also he owes me a whack of cash and has a whole lot of my stuff at his house(i used to stay there quite a bit)
now what
also i know revenge is not right but a part of me wants him to hurt like he hurt me and
why should he be able to get on with his life when i can't?I know sometimes I don't make sense
but I am totally messed.
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
thanx again I wish you guys were here to help me with this.I am so weak and empty
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
thanx all for the replies,I am so glad I joined this site.You guys are the best and have been very helpful
all I need to know now should I really do it
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
Prodably wouldn't hurt cause what do I have to lose right
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
thanx for the reply,no the congregation did not know. At least I
don't think so as I am not a witness