JoinedPosts by eclipse
I Have a Commercial Janitorial Service - And Proud of It !
by flipper ini hope well.
this is a subject i've been wanting to approach for awhile as i've noticed on the board at times there have been wisecracks about janitors who were jehovah's witnesses .
now , hey, i'm real, have a good sense of humor, and can take a joke like anyone, be the brunt of a good joke, hell, i laugh at myself when i work alone at nights- just to keep entertained !
What is your favorite word and why?
by Abandoned inmine is facetious.
i like it for a lot of reasons.
it rolls off the tongue.
Who else has enemies?
by tsunami_rid3r intoday, i found out that my ex-roommate will be evicted from his place.
his mom came up to my dad's work and tried to make it sound like we're in for hell, but when in reality, my former apartment can't do anything to me.
my ex-roommate has had 2 months to find someone.
Your Employment - Have you Been Stressed Mentally or Hurt Physically ?
by flipper inas most of you now know, i do commercial janitorial for a living !
especially after seeing the thread i posted today !
I Have a Commercial Janitorial Service - And Proud of It !
by flipper ini hope well.
this is a subject i've been wanting to approach for awhile as i've noticed on the board at times there have been wisecracks about janitors who were jehovah's witnesses .
now , hey, i'm real, have a good sense of humor, and can take a joke like anyone, be the brunt of a good joke, hell, i laugh at myself when i work alone at nights- just to keep entertained !
I think its more of a running joke among us to laugh at the "JW janitors" when they denounce higher education, or any education for that matter. I don't think it's derogatory to janitors per se. ps. I worked as a janitor when I was pioneering
I agree. As a dub, I used to clean part time too, cleaning banks (loved it actually) and helped with my father when he had a cleaning business. I think anyone who chooses this field does so for a good reason. It's flexible and you can support your family on it...better than trying to make end's meet making minimum wage at McDonald's or retail. (done that too) (I am not putting down those that only make minimum, they are working hard and getting sorely underpaid.)
How Do You Deal With Stress & Depression?
by minimus ini know many people who are stressed and depressed.
they feel burnt out and anxious.
how have you dealt with such issues?
How Do You Deal With Stress & Depression?
by minimus ini know many people who are stressed and depressed.
they feel burnt out and anxious.
how have you dealt with such issues?
Everyone, no matter how strong emotionally, has a breaking point.
It's when you get to that point, that you need to recognize that you need to de-stress
I hate depression, but it's familiar like an old wool blanket....and you just want to sleep forever.
That's when I need to kick my own ass, remember that I have options, and work at finding a solution.
Does Free Will Allow Evil?
by writetoknow inby dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.