I lightened the photos as best I could, so that you could fully appreciate the extent and the details of the decorations.
You really have to see this in person to believe it, the pictures just don't do this house justice.
The yard is huge!
there is a house in my neighborhood that has to hold the record for christmas decorations in their yard.
the neighborhood i live in has one road in and out so we can't avoid this eyesore.. i swear, they have every inflatable, plastic, lit up, wire formed, animated yard decoration that has ever been manufactured.
it looks like k-mart threw up in their yard.. they have enough lights on the house, bushes, trees, eaves, roof, fence to signal the mothership into a safe landing from any galaxy in the universe.
I lightened the photos as best I could, so that you could fully appreciate the extent and the details of the decorations.
You really have to see this in person to believe it, the pictures just don't do this house justice.
The yard is huge!
update on my jw friend.
look here for the first episode.. this is kind of long but well worth the read!.
ok, so she comes over tonight and we start discussing the child abuse cover up.
I hope eryn doesn't mind, but since I know the details of her ''study'' with this JW woman, I can clear up some assumptions...
The JW thinks of Eryn as a worldly person. Eryn is very very careful with her language and does not use any ''JW speak''.
She also tells 'her JW' that some of her info comes from ''another witness'' that she knows, but that they are no longer a witness,
and so she uses it as a conversation starter...i.e.
-eryn will state, ''my jehovahs witness friend sent me this info, what do you make of it?...'' so this JW knows that some of the info is coming from an ex-jw but so far it has simply been previous watchtower publications quotes, and nothing ''apostate''.
There is nothing that this JW is bringing to the CO that is any way, shape, or form, ''apostate''.
Also, she is not scared of the elders, and has already challenged 3 of them, telling eryn that she had gotten 3 totally different answers to her question. This bothered her a great deal.
She seems very open-minded and not naive like most JW's. From what eryn tells me, she (the JW) is expecting the CO to be co-operative, but if he isn't, she will not back down to him.
She seems to be very direct and not afraid to tell the elders exactly what she thinks of them.
Just letting you all know, since Eryn is not here to respond...(hope that's ok, eryn!)
this is too important to bury within an old thread.
that thread hashed over several items of interest which you may want to read by way of a refresher: .
is gail bethea-jackson truly a doctor as the watchtower site claims?
Just wanted to Btt this back to the top.
Excellent information and I appreciate all your hard work in putting up those scans.
The Watchtower has to lie to cover their ass.
Why cut up and paste a video done 10 years ago unless she wasn't saying what they wanted her to say?
Because they're LIARS!
I just shake my head at the JW's who still have their heads stuck in the sand about the Society.
Great post, Emo.
Maybe he (the author) will pull his overly large christian head out of his puckered up anus and see the world for what it really is...
one can hope.
Very sad that religion can make people so emotional and irrational.
Not that all are, there are many balanced and moderate christians and muslims, etc.
Religion + Fundamentalistic Fanaticsm + Psychological Imbalance = Killings & Death of Innocents.
I despise religion but I don't hate the followers.
i get this daily email from a bible thumping friend of mine this was part of todays topic.. sometimes we wonder, "why do we have to go through these trials & breakings, lord?
" well, there are some things the lord can't reveal to you in advance because you're not yet ready.
he's got to let you go through some testings without your even knowing what the future holds, to see if you can take it, to see how loyal you are, to see how strong you are, to see how faithful you are, to see if you will be willing to do whatever he asks!
Really, Burn?
...let's take a look at the Bible, shall we....
Exodus 20:20
Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."
Ecclesiastes 3:18
I also thought, "As for men, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals.
Exodus 16:4
Then the LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.
Isaiah 48:10
See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
Jeremiah 6:27
"I have made you a tester of metals and my people the ore, that you may observe andtest their ways.
Ezekiel 21:13
" 'Testing will surely come. And what if the scepter of Judah , which the sword despises, does not continue? declares the Sovereign LORD.'
Psalm 26:2
Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;
It's NO WONDER that christians imagine a testing god.
God says right there, that he tests and tests and tests again, obviously because he does not know the outcome.
Oh yeah, ''free will''....
that makes it impossible for God to to know wether or not His slaves, I mean servants, will obey him or not
Obviously god is not as powerful as he makes himself out to be, there are just as many scriptures stating NOT to put god to the test.
Why the hell not? God can't take puny humans testing him? Is he afraid to fail??
Is he such a cowardly emotional god that a human testing him will....what.....?
Make him have a big temper tantrum where he kills 50,000 humans at once?
tsk tsk, someone needs anger management
i get this daily email from a bible thumping friend of mine this was part of todays topic.. sometimes we wonder, "why do we have to go through these trials & breakings, lord?
" well, there are some things the lord can't reveal to you in advance because you're not yet ready.
he's got to let you go through some testings without your even knowing what the future holds, to see if you can take it, to see how loyal you are, to see how strong you are, to see how faithful you are, to see if you will be willing to do whatever he asks!
Logic dictates that god is either not in the picture or simply does not care.
It's a house of cards, held together by faith alone.
update on my jw friend.
look here for the first episode.. this is kind of long but well worth the read!.
ok, so she comes over tonight and we start discussing the child abuse cover up.
Eryn, You are my JW Deprogramming hero!
Devasting logic that she could not refute or deny -
You are going to free her!
I can see the wheels turning in her mind...once she talks to the CO, it might be the last straw...
And when Brooklyn gives her the brush off if she decides to go to the top..it will only be a matter of time before she's posting on here
Excellent job, my friend!
purps has an excellent topic on respect..respect-o-meter .. go read it if you haven't already.....though i alluded to this there i did not want to hijack her thread..... because of recent events on this board, i have lost the respect of certain posters.
this loss of respect has taken different forms.
in some cases, posters have come right out privately and said "i have lost respect for you because of what you did.
There are many posters I respect but don't particulary like. Some over time the level of respect for posters has gone up or down after getting to know them.
That's the nature of respect.
It's much easier to respect someone we don't like, than to like someone we don't respect.
There is common courtesy, which is the action aspect of respect we give to strangers and people of authority,
like the resepct we give to mods and board owner and people we do not know on the board.
Showing respect for people and
having respect for someone are two entirely different things.
It is easy to show respect to someone we do not like. Much harder to have respect for them, but not impossible.
We show respect to those who demand it, like police officers,and political leaders for example.
That one we do out of obligation.
Having respect, the deep personalized kind, stems from the knowledge and admiration we have for someone that we know personally...
That type of respect is earned little by little over time, not granted. That type of respect is unique and special and individual.
It is not given out lightly, or immediately and is not taken away for trivial reasons.
Sometimes in our journey through life in wanting to be RIGHT and Respected, we alienate people and do not form friendships. There always seems to be a sacrifice to gain something. We make those choices.
hello again!.
i never thought that so many are believers of a godless life.
i would like to know, because i just don't understand, how anyone can live life feeling god does not and can not exist?
I never thought that so many are believers of a godless life. I would like to know, because I just don't understand, how anyone can live life feeling God does not and can not exist?
Just as easy as not believing in Santa