PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! dont become a witness just to be with him. i know you love him and i know how hard it is to be away from someone you love. but please trust me that is nothing compared to living in that organization. i know you look at them and think 'they look and act normal' or 'they dont seem so unhappy' but believe me please when i tell you that there is NO WAY to ever be happy while in that org. NO WAY! even being with the one you love isnt enough. it might seem fine after a week or month or months. but you are going to lose yourself. once you are fully brainwashed you will never have an independent thought again. and dont think that because you are here and know the truth about the org that you will never succumb to their manipulation and mind control. if you are willing to do this for him then you will be willing to follow all their rules to keep him. and if you dont you will be worse off then before because they will kick you out and he will NEVER speak to you again. think about it please! you will have to go door to door telling people that this LIE is the truth! you will have to get on the platform and perform skits in front of these people based on this lie! you will HAVE to believe it with your whole heart, soul and mind or it will show through. you will not be able to put your 'all' into it and they will label you as weak. you will be looked upon as 'so-and-so's' 'weak' wife. so you will try harder to live up to what they want. but you wont be able to because you dont believe it so you will experience severe emotional and mental trauma. your love for him wont be enough to keep you from breaking down. i can name many witnesses, mostly wifes of elders, ministerial servants, or pioneers that have been in and out of mental hospitals for years. please, please, know that i am telling you the truth. it is a sick and twisted thing that they have going on. its a lie! hon its such a big, sick, lie. you have to move on and find someone else. you will!! just give yourself time to grieve and then turn your back on him and move on. you can still be friends. plant little seeds of doubt in his mind over time and maybe he will start researching on his own. but please dont become a member. i say this because i care and because i've been there and will probably never recover fully.