I was abused for years by a MS. I reported it - made a huge "fuss over it". By the time I started filing charges the whole state we lived in knew what was going wrong and what had happened; And the perp and wife decided to move out of state & I went to the new congregation they were attending and warned people not to let their children around him. I even took it to the Watchtower Headquarters and talked with some of the GB about it.( I have some connections that made this very easy to do) Yes... I was NOT going to let another pediphille get away with their sick behavior. My hometown congregation was more laid back about it compared to the other congregations/COs and the GB but I finally got the justice I needed.
Have You Ever Reported An Abuser?
by sweet pea injust wondering if any of you ever decided to report any kind of abuse, however small an incident it was.
tonight i reported an incident of 20 years ago to the authorities.
a man came up to me in london on the pretense that he was recruiting for christian dior and to cut a long story short we arranged to meet the next day for an interview.
Does the watchtower need to loosen up
by jacethespace indo most jehovahs witnesses have a problem with having a sense of humor?or should i say a lack of it?.
i had an intresting experience a while back ive been thinking about after not going to meetings for a number of months and developing my own " independant thinking" and breaking from watchtower control.. i met with an elder at home and had a chat with him and during the conversation i commented on a funny cartoon sketch i saw about religion.he laughed with that strange programmed laughter i noticed before in the tower and then made a comment which got me really suspicous , he said " yeah we have got a sense of humor in the truth as well and can have a laugh".i remember thinking he had said that after encountering something that he found alien to the truth.from me and my own independant thinking seprate from watchtower control.. was really strange the way it was said like he had noticed something good in me thats not in the watchtower and tried to justify himself to convince himself it was nothing.. its things like that that make me sit up and question the watchtower.. and one of my friends in the tower that has been in all his life hes in his forties and i have always found him quite funny beacause he has like this rebelious attitude about him that seems to go against the tower.hes always looking for an excuse to have a party and have fun and get people together in the cong.and for this people say about him that hes on the edge of the truth.actually they just dont have a sense of humor and seem to be anti life.why?.
Hmm I was raised in a congregation that on average had about 10 parties a month... and everyone had a great time. But maybe we were a minority.
... and that is why I only have 7 posts... because i can never log in...
Women: Do you pray in presence of men?
by outofthebox indo you still find it difficult to pray for the family, let's say, if your husband or another man is present?
do you still feel uncomfortable to do it?.
Absolutely not. I always thought that whole belief was a load of crock.
Disgusting comment re: education from Tacoma 2007 District Convention
by Justitia Themis inthis is from saturday afternoon program.
the speaker first starts with what he called the "alphabet soup" of degrees....a.a., b.a., m.a., ph.d., etc.
; he said they were nothing more than "sheepskins on the wall.
What a douche bag ....
Myrtle Beach South Carolina ?
by Junction-Guy inanyone on here from the grand strand of south carolina?
I use to live in Greenville South Carolina.
Killing time during meeting...
by brunnhilde ini used to balance my checkbook sometimes.
another favorite was unsticking the pages of a new bible or folding back the dogears of an old one.
Ah, yes... I used those two boring hours to manicure my nails.
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
I was one of the abused ones and it lasted multiple years. I was a young child and the pediphile was a MARRIED MS. Hence, why I am so bitter with the Jdubs. Back then it was the two witness rule. I want to know, WHO in the hell molests a child in front of two people
A question for Elders or MS currently on the inside
by loosie ini sent some info about the lawsuit settlements to a friend who still goes to the meetings.
she said that years ago the abuse incidents were not reported to the authorities, but now they are reported to the authorities.. is that true?
did the organization change their reporting policy?.
That is all true.
Since there have been SO many coming forward with abuse charges the elders essentially are telling the victims to contact the proper authorities. ( or at least that is what they are SUPPOSE to be doing..)
The "situation" in question will now be handled by the legal system and the elders are NOT to handle these matters anymore.
So , the 'two witness' rule, has been thrown out when it comes to abuse charges.