That is my struggle right now. I don't know how my awakening is going to affect my already troubled marriage. He attends meetings regularly and has had a Bible study for years. Never "ready" to make the commitment to get baptised. His parents are in the cult and I am on my way out. I love my husband but he has a commitment issue with marriage too. I've always been the one to push for applying what we've learned to our situation and now he tells me that the GB are imperfect men and to "wait on Jehovah". Funny that I've been able to talk to him about my "concerns" even though we talk very little these days. I used to believe you had to agree on everything of importance, now I'm leaning toward a "live and let live" viewpoint.
How Important Is It For Both Of You To Have The Same Beliefs?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc9966; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc9966; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } --> how important is it for both of you to have the same beliefs?in the organization, we were encouraged to marry only in the lord, because this would.
strengthen and preserve our faith.
however, once an individual steps away from that .
I don't know that show. I LOVE both Gordon and Simon. Just proves you can get away with saying anything if you have a charming accent But seriously, I love their honesty, and you are right, that can't be scripted.
The Watchtower Society's Deemphasizing Jesus.
by Blueblades init's been a long slow process since the j.f.rutherford era, to the present.
the slow slide away from jesus over the years is difficult to quantify.
perhaps the closest anyone has come to measuring it is in an overview in the book, "revelation, it's grand climax at hand!
I completely agree, it's all about how humbly submitting to the FDS shows our loyalty to Jesus. Soon Jesus will be all but eliminated.
new here
by everyplanetwereachisdead inim new here.
i was raised as a jw by my mom.
my dad never accepted the religion.
I think it's - every planet we reach is dead. Good one. WELCOME. This planet ( the forum ) isn't dead. There are lovely people with brains and hearts. Enjoy.
Photography and my grandchildren are my current passions. Finding this place feels like home (at least how home should feel) so my visits here fill me with peace and energy.
Everything goes in the "rubbish" bin. Waste not, want not. I can't believe we seem to be the only fans here.
Must have had a really good audition tape. Can't wait for tonight !
I LOVE Gordon Ramsey-one of my favorite shows.What do you think of the new chef wanna-bes?
Out of the Family...
by saywhat29 inliterally and figuratively.... if you don't know my story, its the basic "i'm gay and from a family of jws" and lately it hasn't been going well.
i'm still saving up to move out, but that "meeting" i was suppose to have with the elders is scheduled tonight.
it was scheduled tuesday night but i dodged that bitch hard.
Don't even think about ending your life because someone you love disapproves of your choices. That would be a real sin. Keep reading what all these independant thinkers have to say. That's what has kept me sane the last few weeks. Surround yourself with people who care. None of us get to choose our families. Live long and prosper.My heart goes out to you.
Advice? I am sharing my concerns with my best friend today. HELP
by AWAKE&WATCHING inso much for the fade i was going to attempt just so i didn't have to lose my best friend.
i haven't been to a meeting in a month, not since i've been checking out my concerns on the evil internet.
i've been avoiding my best friend, she knows something is terribly wrong.
That's just it, I'm not committed because there is very little reason to stay. I don't want to give her false hope that I'll reactivate, I'd prefer to make it a cut and dried exit. I just really love my best friend.Thanks to everyone for your help.