Arthur,could you be any funnier? ROFLMAO
ever changing WTS
by logic ini guess the following article and many more like it no longer apply since the sept km.
(aug 15, 98 wat pg 20).
19 jehovahs organization does not discourage sincere, timely questions, as some opposers mistakenly claim.
My Brother Died in a Car Wreck Last Night
by WLG ini just found out about an hour ago.
he wasn't even old enough to drink yet.. to make it even sh*ttier, he had called me a few weeks ago and asked if he could come out here with me but i couldn't do it at the time.
so of course the first thing that comes to mind is if i had done something different it wouldn't have happened.. he was going through the sh*t as i call it, when witnesses go off the deep end and get into everything in the world to stop hurting and they don't even know what is wrong.
I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I lost my baby brother in an accident 8 years ago and I thought I would die myself it hurt so much.
Don't beat yourself up about what you did or didn't do. If you had told him to come there and he got in an accident then would that have been your fault? Of course not. We can only do what seems right at the time. I'm sure you had reasons for any decision you made at the time.
My heart goes out to you and your family. We are all here for you.
Bridge collapse in Twin Cities, MN
by frozen one inchrist almighty!
the whole i-35w bridge fell into the mississippi river!
cars and trucks in the river.
I just went to Pittsburgh for the first time, I was there when it happened.
The bridges downtown are beautiful and I wanted to drive over every one of them.
Really sucked the joy out of that when I heard about the collapse. I feel so bad for all those folks.
I am so glad you all are all right.
"Big Love"...did anybody see it last night?
by Dagney inanyone?.
barb is "inactive" in her local church.. is selma green a he/she??.
very good show last night.
You may not get a reply, there was another thread started this a.m. about the show.
It was a good one, more like a season finale I thought.
The "Jehovah book"
by Paralipomenon inthis has been an interesting week.
since opening her mind to the idea that the witnesses may be wrong, my wife and i have been enjoying many long deep topics of conversation.
one thing that happened yesterday that we were both able to laugh at was something my son said.
Adorable. What a good age. My grandson is 5 and I could listen to him talk all day.
GREAT RollerNews!
by RollerDave inhey everybody!.
today i found out my credit card info had been stolen and thousands of dollars had been fraudulently charged, isn't that great!.
i am thrilled beyond measure, it's as if a great big weight has been lifted off my heart.. am i wigging you out a little?
Wow. Never a dull moment.
I hope you catch them.
Another example of WT coverup!!!! Proof of Deciept!!!!! And why it matters.
by Lady Liberty inmany new ones or lurkers may not know this but charles russell was not the first wt president like they teach!
who cares you may say?
well if i showed you where they acknowledged this in 1993, but as recent as 2001 they were still printing he was, would that not be valuable to you to show others the watchtowers deliberate deciept??
Researchers where are you? I think they are hiding something too.
BUT...worse than C.T. Russell? That'll take some doin'.
I'm mad as hell (New Here)
by Miss Bliss ini'm brand spanking new to this forum.... my story is a long one that i will save for rainy day....however i will say i have been out for a long time 10+ years and when i left i really left.
i walked away at 20 (in my heart i was mentally gone at 17) and never really looked back much.
i was raised jw my father was an elder my mother an off and on pioneer (my father is no longer except he goes to the memorials, poor bastard and again thats another long story) i was not shunned by my parents both of whom were still very much in although my father left shortly after me and i would like to think that my bravery and courage allowed him to do the same.
Crazy isn't it ? You sound like me a few months ago. I had to go through the grieving process but at first I was just completely blown away.
Welcome! Lots of loving, intelligent, supportive people here.
How is you all? Mouthy!
by mouthy inwell after a lot more gray hairs & frustration.
i am back .
i hope all is well.
Glad you are back! We've missed you.
I really enjoyed seeing you on You Tube.
Last night's BIG LOVE
by sandy inok, so i thought it was good but not quite as good as the other episodes.
last night seemed a little slow like a filler episode or something.
ya know what i mean?
I swear there was so much going on last night that I thought it was the season finale!
Four episodes left, I can't wait.