Don’t take it personal. You thought you found something that some may find interesting on this DB and you shared it. As far as I can see you did nothing wrong or stupid.
Con artist are not always easy to spot. They all come as wolves in sheep’s clothing, That’s their MO. This guy as well as the cult/minority religion he is trying to make a few bucks off of are exactly the same. They are both totally full of shit for a profit.
I don’t think those who “may” ridicule or ask “how could YOU believe” are specify directing that sentiment exclusively to you. I think it is just one of those cob web memory things that they may think they are directing to you but in reality and subconsciously they are directing to themselves. How could “I” ever have believed”? They will first beat themselves up over the years they spent believing bullshit before they will ever beat you up over it.
I think you did a good job posting this information and most did a good job dissecting and discussing it. That’s what we are all on this DB for. You did good.
I’m doing better this month. Thanks for asking. How are you doing? How’s Steve?
Take care,
Wise man, excellant post. I often laugh how wise the posters become as the thread advances. For some unknown reason the all knowing never post at the beginning of one of these;)