FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1913.
"Pastor" Tried to Have Hamilton Minister Indicted for Criminal Libel.
Mrs. Russell Was in Court to Testify for the Rev. Mr. Ross.
(Special to The Eagle)
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. April 4 - After failing to get an Indictment for criminal libel against the Rev. J.J. Ross, the Baptist clergyman who published a pamphlet concerning the private life of "Pastor" Russell, the Brooklyn preacher left today for Ottawa, where he said he had an engagement. He declined to comment on the outcome of the case. According to one of his followers. who attended court with the "pastor," a civil suit will be instituted against the local clergyman at once.
The finding of "No bill" by the Grand Jury was expected, in view of the address of Justice Middleton, in which he quoted an opinion of Lord Justice (Abridge to the effect that "Pastor" Russell could not have been libeled, criminally, not being a resident, as a criminal libel must necessarily involve a disturbance of the peace. The opinion on which the Rev. Mr. Ross was discharged was quoted from the Times Law Reports. George Lynch Staunton, K.C., was the counsel for the defense, and with him was associated A. M. Lewis.
The law report on the strength of which Justice Middleton addressed the Grand Jury was as follows: "Wood vs. Cox. A Jockey accused of pulling a horse. Lord Coleridge, June 29, 1888. 'A criminal prosecution ought not to be instituted unless the offense be such as can reasonably be construed as calculated to disturb the community. In such a case the public prosecutor has to protect the community in the person of an individual, but private character should be vindicated in an action for libel, and indictment for libel is only justified when it affects the public, as in an attempet [sic] to disturb the public peace.' "
After hearing the court's discussion of this decision, the Grand Jury retired, and
in a few moments returned with a finding of "no bill." The case was then dropped, as far as the criminal prosecution went, but "Pastor" Russell may try his luck in a civil suit, though Mr. Ross stated he was prepared to defend his pamphlet about "Pastor" Russell on the ground that be had written facts that can be proved. Mrs. Russell, the "pastor's" wife, who secured a limited divorce with alimony several years ago in the State of Pennsylvania, was present in court ready to testify for the defense. The libel charge against the Rev. Mr. Ross has been hanging fire in the courts here for some time. The first charge was thrown out of court by Justice Meredith on the ground that the defendant had been improperly held by the police magistrate, who had refused to allow the defendant's lawyer to cross-examine "Pastor" Russell. A new charge was then laid against the Baptist clergyman, and as "Pastor" Russell failed to appear in court on the return day, the magistrate offered to dismiss the complaint, but held it over at the request of the defense.
A letter was then sent to "Pastor" Russell by the Rev. Mr. Ross, offering to pay his traveling expenses if he would come to Canada and prosecute the case. The Brooklynite was then on a cruise to the West Indies, and as soon as he returned he went to Canada to prosecute Mr. Ross, with the above disastrous result.
As I said, Maria Russell has been portrayed by WTS apologists as being gradually reconciled to Russell, putting flowers on his grave (allegedly - they did not produce evidence), etc.
The opposite is the truth.
The most ferocious opponent of Russell's lies and deceit was Rev'd J.J. Ross, whose pamphlet about "Pastor" Russell was so accurate that Russell tried to get him jailed for criminal libel. And Mrs Russell went to assist Rev'd J.J. Ross - the significance of this is enormous, completely refuting the lies or deception or confusion of the WTS apologists.
For those who doubted the accuracy of my claim... after having itself been forced to (successfully) defend against one of Russell's bullying, intimidatory writs for libel (intended to silence all his critics). the BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE was being scrupulously exact in its reporting so as to deny the rogue "Pastor" any chance to sue them again.
So, the usual suspects, don't waste your bieath or fingertips trying to cast doubt to the Eagle here - you'll just get some WHACK!s from me and likely from passers-by too. If due to your assorted internal disorders you have a need to be Spiritual Pimps, Spiritual Fornicators, Spiritual Rapists, Spiritual Pornographers or even Spiritual Pedophiles, by supporting the filthy Whore of Brooklyn, do not do it here.
("J. J. Ross Class)