I was DF'ed 20 years ago...one JC meeting and I was gone, but then that was my choice.
JoinedPosts by tenyearsafter
by Legacy ini wanted to know if anyone on here was df'd or know of any who were...why i ask is because many of the friends i have spoken to, say it's not done, just like that.
it's a process.
i have spoken to a re-instated sister and she said by the time they see you, you are pretty much out.
A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17
by Stand for Pure Worship inthat text reminds me of one of a handful of problems peculiar to the ex-jw community.
second only to the wild beast's internal divisions, is the divided makeup of the ex-jw populace.
you know the one thing that indicates jehovah's blessing upon the worldwide association of kingdom proclaimers, is not only the continued success of the preaching work, but along with it the unity and love amongst the brothers and sisters.
Here we go again....
Hear Ye!!!Hear Ye!! WONDERFUL GOOD NEWS!!!!
by mouthy inmy jw daughter called me this afternoon!!!!!
!i am just over the moon.
her hubby not a jw has cancer & was operated on today!!!!.
What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?
by Julia Orwell inmost of us here on jwn, while we can get a bit narky at times, can put forth intelligent arguments and sound observations.
sure we can get bogged down with our opinions, but generally we back up our opinions with examples and evidence, and if someone has a different opinion with examples and evidence, we accept that without recriminations.
that's what adults do.. so my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be jws come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally?
That does it...SFPW is "punking" us. This person is either a fantastic practical joker or utterly crazy...'nuff said.
The new translation of John 17:3 seems like a major shift.
by paul from cleveland inup until now, everlasting life was dependent on "taking in knowledge".
it was a perfect fit for a publishing house to interpret that scripture that way.
if we didn't keep up with the endless stream of publications from the watchtower our salvation would be in jeopardy.
John 1:1 still says "a god", but is footnoted with "was divine".
REACTION from my neck of the woods...
by problemaddict inas some of you may know i am in the midst of a fade, working on the family coming along (new thread to update there).
most mf my close friends are still jw's to varying degrees.
i would say most are couples that are around our age (25-35), and they attend maybe 90% of the meetings, go in service on sat, pioneer in april, and have a couple bible studies etc... in general the good kind.
My mother wasn't crying, but she had to tell me the "exciting" news...the WTS has published a brand new Bible that is the most accurate ever produced!! She also can't wait to get me my own copy. I didn't have the heart to tell my 83 year old mom anything that would burst her bubble. It is just such a shame for this type of adulation from a woman that has given 60 years of servitude to an organization that could care less about her.
WTF... JW Library ranks #4 in the Top (Free) Charts on Apple Store for iPhone/iPad
by undercover inchecking out the apple store for any new cool apps, and lo and behold!
i see that the wts has finally embraced that demonic form of information dispensing.
and all jah's chil'ren are snapping it up.
I have to admit that this app is actually very good. It allows comparison between the NWT and 5 other translations (Reference Bible, Kingdom Interlinear, Byington, American Standard and King James). I am actually surprised how user friendly it is...and that it actually allows these direct comparisons of verses. You can also view footnotes with a tap of the finger on the annotation .
I also see that there is an appendix featuring on specific subjects. I found the one entitled "The Divine Name in the Christian Greek Scriptures" to be interesting. The WTS is obviously sensitive to the criticism they have received for inserting Jehovah in to the New Testament. The answer is both ambiguous and arrogant, but they do take it on.
I think this app will be a very useful one to use in talking to our JW friends and relatives...it is hard to claim we are "twisting" words to deceive right hearted ones when those words come directly from the app the WTS has published and released!
Video feed crashed during agm. Everybody sent home
by solomon inthe feed kept crashing this morning so after 3 hours they told everybody to go home.
No Adam...just the "pangs of distress"!
by The Searcher incan anyone save me the stress of listening to the self-appointed faithful & discreet slave for 3 hours, and give a clue as to roughly at what point in the proceedings was the derogatory term 'bum witnesses used, and by whom?
i'd really love to extract that comment and send it to a weakening witness, to highlight the judgmental arrogance and name-calling being displayed.. many thanks in advance folks!.
Obviously, SFPW was not a JW in the late 60's and early 70's or they would not make such a ludicrous statement as " They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75" or " Just like the 1975 self-victims". If you had been a JW during that era, you have heard almost weekly references to 1975 as being a "significant" date and allusions to it being the start of Great Tribuation. SFPW, perhaps you can tell me what the significance of that date was was other than scaring people in to avoiding careers, marriage or having children?
And before you castigate me for stating the above, I can assure you that I was a eyewitness to all of it...can you say the same? If you were a JW then, and deny that these things happened, then you are being disengenous at best, and an outright liar at worst.
Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation
by Julia Orwell inin talking to sparky the elder today (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/263862/1/an-elder-called-me-hes-waking-up-and-knew-id-understand-nice-for-him-to-have-a-friend) i found out he did the accounts for our congregation for years.
he said very rarely did the congregation meet its expenses without some well-off brother chipping in a few grand here and there.
the elders would also make up the shortfall.
SFPW...you rationale for argument is something to behold! It reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures...