I suspect that everyone posting a reason NOT to celebrate Christmas celebrates wedding anniversaries. What is the difference? The Bible doesn't instruct us to celebrate anniversaries, exchange wedding rings or other "pagan" origin practices...but guess what, JW's are fine with that. The Bible doesn't tell us to not celebrate birthdays...WT instructs that because of two deaths occurring during a birthday celebration. The Bible makes no mention of Thanksgiving, nor Mother's or Father's Day (though it does tell us to honor our parents!). The hypocrisy of this is one of the things that got me started on the path to leaving the JW's. Use critical thinking and common sense...not leftover brainwashing from the very organization you are fleeing to make your decisions!
JoinedPosts by tenyearsafter
Should a Christian celebrate Christmas?
by Samsie inhello, i'm new here and have woken up to the real truth concerning the org.
i'm sort of fading away at the moment.... i need help with something, i used to as a child celebrate christmas and have always had amazing memories of it (my husband hasn't as he was born into the org) but i gave it up when i learnt the "truth".
my interest was only in pleasing god and still is.
Randall Watters our old friend
by new boy indoes anyone here know his where about or have any updates on him?
he hasn't been active his face book in over a year.
Nostromo...thank you so much! That worked like a charm. I have really missed some of the great Bethel stories and Quark cartoons that were on Freeminds. For anyone new here that hasn't seen those features, I strongly recommend you look at them and enjoy!
I especially enjoy Bethel Graffiti cartoons in Quark's caricatures...they are classic!!
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Randall Watters our old friend
by new boy indoes anyone here know his where about or have any updates on him?
he hasn't been active his face book in over a year.
Nostromo...I tried both links but I'm getting a placeholder web page. Any tricks to pulling up the archived site? Thanks!
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BLONDIE - It's wonderful to hear from you again
by Listener inblondie, it's so nice to hear from you after a two year break.
i didn't notice your return 10 days ago.
i'm so excited to read all your new posts.. i hope life has treated you well over the last two years.. i think about you every now and then and others do as well.
Commander...if memory serves me, I believe Ray took a fall on some ice and hit his head. That led to brain hemorrhage complications and his passing a few days after the fall. Blondie should be able to confirm or correct my recollection.
I'm Back--Blondie
by blondie inyes, i am posting again.
i could not for awhile technologically and it is now fixed thanks to simon.
thanks, simon!
I got robbed this morning!
by Iamallcool infirst of all… i am ok. i was robbed at the gas station this morning.
after my hands stopped trembling, i managed to call the police.
they were quick to respond and calmed me down, but all my money is gone.
Am I Expected to Become One of Jehovah’s Witnesses if I Study the Bible With Them?
by Ron.W. in(ps.
You will be dropped like a hot potato if you don't "progress" in your study of the Watchtower literature (oops..I mean Bible!). This is the policy, since your becoming a JW is the real reason that they offer "free Bible studies". Buyer beware!
I have changed a bit
by Lee Marsh infor one thing i am older.
this is what i look like now or at least on jan 1, 2022.. .
yes, 69 years old.. i moved once.
Nice to see you back! It sounds like you are "eating the elephant one bite at a time!" Stay strong, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Best, TYA
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by joao ini'm joão, from portugal.. i was a jw for about 30 years but i've stopped associating with them for about two years now.
and, lately, i've decided to dig deep and research about this cult!
oh boy!
Welcome João!
What you are experiencing is very common for JW's that leave the Watchtower organization and still have family in. It is most commonly known as cognitive dissonance, which in laymen's terms is the refusal of your loved ones to entertain contrary beliefs as the outcome is too difficult or devastating to their current belief system. Basically, current JW's have spent years buying into the ideas that the Governing Body are the only way to a relationship with God. The GB has inculcated the belief that anything contrary to what they teach is apostasy and leads to death. For someone to realize that this isn't the case is psychologically devastating! They don't want to accept that what they have been living is incorrect and the consequences of realizing that forces them to accept that they have been living a lie.
I have a number of family members still "in" the religion. I think some are so entrenched that they just refuse to open their eyes. I have others that suspect it's not "The Truth", but to leave would ruin their current lives and relationships...so they stay in without fully believing.
It is difficult to see loved ones ensnared, but love and patience can slowly help them to start to critically think if they are so inclined. Wishing you the best in your journey with your family.
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Hi people!
by ozziepost inhi guys, owyergoin?
(that’s australian for youse foreigners!
haven’t called in quite a while but just called by to say “i’m still standing and still enjoying shiraz !.
Hi Ozziepost...I remember you as well! God to see you again, and my condolences on the loss of your wife. Cheers!
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