First of all… I am ok. I was robbed at the gas station this morning. After my hands stopped trembling, I managed to call the Police. They were quick to respond and calmed me down, but all my money is gone. The deputy asked me if I knew who did it. I said yes, it was pump number 7.
I got robbed this morning!
by Iamallcool 36 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, this was an Ice-T tweet.
The other one I saw that was funny (paraphrasing):
"I pulled up at pump #3 and saw the person in front of my had only put $10 of gas in. I wondered where they planned on going, pump #5?"
St George of England
Here in the UK £1.65 Petrol/litre, £1.79 Diesel/litre.
How does that compare?
resolute Bandicoot
Welcome back Blondie.
How does that compare?
Costco gas was $1.64 CAD per litre when we filled up earlier in the week, equivalent to about £0.99 GBP
Costco is often 5-10c cheaper than regular gas stations, and it's going to go up on April 1 when Trudeau's money-grab of a Carbon Tax goes up (same day their own astronomical pay rise kicks in ... must be nice to own the press eh?)
Canada has some of the largest oil reserves in the world, but due to the liberal idiots we import Saudi blood-oil from half way round the world on the basis of "climate" (more oil gets burned transporting it).
The same reason energy is expensive in the UK and Europe, due to short-sighted and mis-intentioned "green policies" that do more harm than good. Oh, and help create wars. But it's what the liberal fascists like.
People quick to blame sitting Presidents for rising prices of commodities like gasoline would do well to learn about how these markets work. World oil prices are determined by trading much like stocks are. Not only are issues like hurricanes and war real factors in supply chains but we also must factor in profiteering and panic selling. The President whoever he/she is has no significant influence on these markets. When the market drove oil prices high under Bush Jr there were those who claimed it was because of his oil connections. It wasn't. Same under Obama and Trump. The US and Canada are both energy exporters. We sell oil and nat gas to other countries even when the price goes up. Canada and US brokers simultaneously export oil and import oil following profits. It's capitalism nothing nefarious. There are also great differences in oil quality. Sweet crude vs the high sulfur shale sludge from Canada. You do more and more economically with better quality oil.
The only alternative to the above is the nationalization of oil/gas production and pricing.
People are also quick to excuse sitting presidents, even when they clearly made things worse.
Biden's very first act as President was to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline that would have supplied the equivalent amount of ethically produced oil that he's now going round the world grovelling to source from dictators and human-rights abusing regimes.
That was a situation created through corruption, incompetence and virtue signalling. We now know that his family have crooked deals with Ukraine, so it's very likely he makes decisions to screw normal Americans for personal profit.
Nationalizing O&G is not the solution, see Venezuela. It's why leftist idiots create a crisis in the first place, to dupe the foolish into supporting policies that would make things 10x worse.
There is nothing that governments provide that isn't more expensive and less efficient as a result.