Wanted to come back and say Great Job on the weight loss Hortensia! I can see from your posts how hard you are working at it and it definitely encourages me. Oh and the thought of getting a massage.....aaaaahhhhhhhhhh I SO need one. I'm on the west coast, how much are plane tickets these days? Maybe one day I'll get down there.
Just saw your post, we sound a lot alike! I'm doing WW too. Kind of took the month of December off, but I"m getting back on track now.
I too want another baby and getting rid of this weight is a big motivater for me. If I do get pregnant I don't want to go through what I did last time. I ended up having the birth I wanted, unmedicated, out of hospital and in a big tub of warm water) but we had to induce my labor with castor oil and finally breaking the bag of waters due to rising blood pressure and protein in my urine.
Usually having the baby "fixes" the pre-e problem but in my case it didn't. I was already back home when the blood results came back and my midwife called me and told me to hightail it to the hospital, there was a bed waiting for me. 24 hours on magnesium sulfate, a miserable 2 days in the hospital, and long recovery later and I was semi-normal again.
This time around I want to give myself every advantage. Less weight, thyroid under control, high protein diet during pregnancy and hopefully I can have another water birth again. It is definitely something I feel is worth working for.
I wish you MUCH success with your weight loss journey and your plans for future pregnancy and birth!