I personally think very few ever felt that way. BUT we assumed everyone else must feel that way since they constantly said it from the platform - so if we personally didn't feel refreshed - something must be wrong with us, we must not have prepared right, or listened carefully, or talked to enough friends. I always wondered how when having a terrible headache and needing to just lay down, going to a meeting w/ all the chatter before and after and having to try to concentrate during would help. But no, unless you were 'really really ill' you should try to make it to be refreshed. Again I think it was more of a guilt trip thing than there being a great percentage of people who actually said it did.
That being said I'm sure there are a few that feel worse, due to the control, when they do stay home. The guilt is even grander. So maybe in that regard when they compared the two they actually did feel better by going to the meeting and transferred the reasons of the well-being to it had to be what they gained there.
Morph 'just my two cents'