congrats on your wife's openness. i'm not offering any suggestions since my presentation of information to my wife led to her leaving me...but good luck w/ yours.... i truly hope she'll open her eyes when presented w/ facts.
i never thought we'd be here.
after a long discussion last night, my wife now wants to know the 'other side of the story'.
what made me leave.
congrats on your wife's openness. i'm not offering any suggestions since my presentation of information to my wife led to her leaving me...but good luck w/ yours.... i truly hope she'll open her eyes when presented w/ facts.
alright, so i'm reading on this site, and i'm not 100% sure what it's about.
it appears to be a bunch of former jw people bashing everything they can get their hands on in relation to jw's.. .
i was brought up as a jw, but when i got older and started to think for myself, i began to realize that i didn't agree with their teachings.
Welcome Blasty.
I'm newly out after being in 30+ years; basically raised in it. I came to the same conclusions you did that no one organized religion holds all the answers. I also have to deal w/ family and friends that can't open their eyes to a more accepting God. I think God expects certian things from us but gives us some leeway as well. Feel free to PM me or click on my name to get to the links to my posts and story. Best wishes in your journey.
'...and time flows through the hourglass we hold'
missed your initial post - but saw your other thread stating you were in jacksonville....i just moved to jacksonville myself so PM me if you need someone to talk to.
and it's hard... to see how horrible my family was.
it's just hard.
i'm just crying... .
it's emotions many of us have been through. i have recently been talking to my grandfather and have experienced the same feelings you are. he is very bitter that my dad's conversion to the jw's in his mind took his daughter and his grandchildren away from him. no christmas, no birthdays, no spending overnights on weekends since they wanted to take us to church with them etc... he felt he missed out on much, and i agree with him. i am trying to help heal the wounds now the best i can with what attention i can give. that's all we can do. we can't change the past - but we can learn from it and make sure we improve ourselves as individuals and grow so that we don't continue the hurtful attitudes we were taught.
best wishes cognac as you deal with this - you have much support here as you know.
hope this isnt a repost, couldnt find anything on the subject.. have a friend who is marrying a jw.
he isn't a jw but she is (even though she doesnt really go or believe in it), her parents are strict jw's but wont goto their wedding cause of something about being unevenly yoked?
now they both want her parents to go, but the parents tend to think they are not allowed to go.
My father was an elder and faced this situation w/ one of my brothers. The answer from a circuit overseer (one of the leading men in the JW's) was that for a normal JW it is a conscience matter - but for an elder to go w/ be giving tacit approval to the arrangement and he would be considered not fit to continue serving as an elder due to the "example" he set. Now - true - the answer makes no sense - it should be a conscience matter no matter your position - but that is what he was told after consulting w/ the CO. So if your friend's parents hold any "positions" in the kingdom hall that could be an extra reason why they consider they're not "allowed" to go.
loved it!
it's not just a boy movie (action, angelina...), it has a good story.. also, if you've seen it, i'd like your comments on how it relates to the wt.
i saw some strange similarities.
i was just going to respond to your thought about how it corresponded to the WT (i loved the movie BTW)
SPOILER ALERT - don't read if you haven't seen the movie and want to....
so the secret society started off w/ a noble cause. but once that cause no longer worked for them, once they realized actually following the cause and being true to it would result in their own demise they went their own way - the leaders kept control and kept the followers doing exactly what they wanted them to do but saying they were still following the original cause but it had in reality deviated from it.
same w/ the WT. i think maybe (maybe) originally there was some true desire to focus on the bible and discern what it wanted - but by now the leaders have to realize they are making sh** up and are just keeping the followers going along for the leaders own benefit - that of keeping the dang organization still alive. if it was known that the leaders were no longer truly being honest, the followers would turn on them just like Angelina did.
oh - and angelina is hot. :) but that doesn't equate to anything in the WT.
i've been reading threads off and on for about a year now so i feel almost like i know some of you.
i just thought i would take the opportunity to introduce myself to the board.
it's very exciting to join up and become one of you.
Welcome and best wishes AGT...
so my move to a new city is now complete.
it comes at the expense of losing my wife and my life for the past 30 + years - i still somehow feel at peace.
my wife cheated on me.
Jamie, Mene, SirNose, Gopher, Hope, JwDaughter, Quirky, Outlaw, Changeling, Mum, BurnShips & AAG - thanks so much for the kind words & wishes.
Outlaw - you got a laugh out of me. though i'd like to trade the man on fire for something else. maybe a greased pig or a rusty dump truck. i'm sure you'll think of something.
so my move to a new city is now complete.
it comes at the expense of losing my wife and my life for the past 30 + years - i still somehow feel at peace.
my wife cheated on me.
MORPH- You are a great guy with a great heart ! I wish you all the happiness in the world on your new move ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
thanks flipper! hope you guys have an awesome time this weekend at tahoe!
so my move to a new city is now complete.
it comes at the expense of losing my wife and my life for the past 30 + years - i still somehow feel at peace.
my wife cheated on me.
Although I don't have as much as you've had to give up....I do in some ways wish I could relocate and create an entirely new me from scratch. Or just the same me without the hangups and blind friends. But then I remember that I'm sometimes allergic to the unknown...
The unknown can be a scary place. But i decided once the wifey chose some old guys in new york over me that it couldn't get any scarier than that. it's amazing how much i've learned to grow, to love, to understand, to embrace, and to open myself up to since i stopped letting man made rules govern my life and really listened to what it (life) had to offer. i have a closer relationship to god, to people, and to myself than i have ever had before.
it's a good feeling.