The truth will come out soon.....wtbts is a racket and sham....
Money has become their God
this is a test.
for friday night when the article will be posted in its entirety.. comments you will not hear at the 7-8-07 wt study (may 15, 2007, pages 26-29)(resurrection real to you?).
review comments will be in red.
The truth will come out soon.....wtbts is a racket and sham....
Money has become their God
jws believe 1914 was a turning point with jesus' invisible reign, and the first world war started in 1914.. what order did it actually happen?.
did they think armageddon would be in 1914, then when it came and went they changed their mind and said it was jesus' invisible reign?
or did the war happen and only after they decided to say 1914 was a special year for them?
First world war....the end of the world as we know it..maybe they could have got away with that
the societys stance on birthdays is either blatantly a lie, or a lack of bible knowledge on the part of the governing body!
while still attending at the kingdom hall i read job 1:4 where jobs childreneach had celebrations in his own day.
then read in job after his kids died and all his possession were lost where job cursed his own day.
Thanks for the great posts, Lady excellent...the info from all these is more than I ever thought just on a birthday issue......
I really believe in the beginning of the WT that Russell was a sincere guy and really believed in what he was saying, he did sell his fathers stores and put that money into all his work, started of the WT. Weather we believe his doctrines or not.
However I think Rutherford became the dictator and launched the society org; money took over and today I think money has become the god of the WTBTS.
We have a few comment including an elder lately that they are surprised to see the extra money box in front of the hall, they only ever had two, one for local hall and one for world wide work, which we always were led to believe that included building new halls. This new money box is specificly for the building work, as they said they all thought that was already covered.
the societys stance on birthdays is either blatantly a lie, or a lack of bible knowledge on the part of the governing body!
while still attending at the kingdom hall i read job 1:4 where jobs childreneach had celebrations in his own day.
then read in job after his kids died and all his possession were lost where job cursed his own day.
Thank's Marcel for the info....I guess just about all these little rules not to do are a conscience matter and that's how I view them.
hello "brothers"!
we have a discussion forum in portuguese similar to this.
Hi Brazil nice you're here, hope you enjoy you're stay........hows the weather in Brazil?
my conscience wouldn't allow me to do otherwise.
after all, this is the country that schooled me and fed me.
i use all the infrastructure here, and am entitled to all rights and benefits that any other citizen was entitled to.
No I never did....I was never one on nationalism anyway, I can remember when I was a the pictures with my mother aged around 8, they played God Save the Queen, I refused to stand and my mother was very embarrassed, I told her that she wouldn't stand up for me. Strange but true.
the societys stance on birthdays is either blatantly a lie, or a lack of bible knowledge on the part of the governing body!
while still attending at the kingdom hall i read job 1:4 where jobs childreneach had celebrations in his own day.
then read in job after his kids died and all his possession were lost where job cursed his own day.
The Society’s stance on birthdays is either blatantly a lie, or a lack of Bible knowledge on the part of the Governing Body! While still attending at the Kingdom Hall I read Job 1:4 where Job’s children each had celebrations in his own day. Then read in Job after his kids died and all his possession were lost where Job cursed his own day. Both references are to birthdays! Job’s children were the kids of what Jehovah called “an upright and blameless man.” If the birthday celebrations of his children were wrong Job would not have been upright and blameless!
Copied this from a DA letter, thought it was interesting....
the phrase "cause for stumbling" often left me bewildered.
tell you what to do counsel you and impose their own opinions on you.
maybe i did something in the past that "stumbled" someone, but aren't we all able to make our own decisions when it comes to conduct and choices ... at least we should be, especially if it isn't regarding something inherently wrong.
when I was going through a problem with someone at the kh, one elder said there is no excuse to be stumbled .
only encouraging comments please.
I pioneered and was looked up to as a very active and spiritual sister for mostly 30yrs (on and off), I also really cared about the b/s and tried to be as helpful as posible, always love Jehovah, so I guess I made the truth somewhat my own. But I never really was able to have a relationship with Jesus couldn't really grasp the ransom, I thought to much emphasis was placed on Jesus in the churchs and felt sorry for Jehovah, I know I sound like a nut, but thats how I felt.
I was out for years and came back only to be floored by the back bitting, gossiping and unloving treatment of some of the r/f...I found the elders turned into suspicious spys, eavsdropping, the constand stringent rules, and the scripture came to my head all the time. You will know my true deciples by the love they have amongst themselves.(Jhn 13:34,35) (not by the hours they do in FS, or the good talks they give, answering up ect). This is the identification of true christians and congregation, that Jesus said to look for. I didn't see it. I also saw the bias of the elders to certain ones, the unfairness and injustice, I hated the shunning and just basically I didn't feel like I belonged there.
The research was a shock at first and I began to see that the failed prophecies were a true sign that Jehovah could not be backing this org, the child sex crimes and the heartless way that the GB dealt with victims, the indignant way they treated b/s after the 75 sham, the vaccinations and organ, blood and all the changes that cost people their lives and the Malawii political card rule that bought death and countless grief to JW's and families, could go on and on. Get the picture, cant deal with that sort of truth and stay in the so called truth.