Yes true not all fat people are gluttons, and I think the type of work one does can make a difference, today people sit at computers all day, so the amount of phycical excersise is limited and therefore one should eat less, I think it is habit.
My relative broke both legs and feet and was imobile for a around a year, stacked on the weight, and found it hard to lose it. But still has got almost twice the size since becoming mobile again.
Eating can also be an emotinal thing, eating out of bordom or lonliness is also common.
As I suggested in the first post about alcoholism and gluttony these two were nearly always mentioned together, over indulgence in alcohol is gluttoney.
Voraciousness (eating greedily) eating when one is full, and sometimes the brain does not trigger that one is full that is another mental inormality.
So I guess to disfellowship someone for gluttony how could they actually say that the person is a glutton.
What about sexual gluttony....ha the mind boggles.
Not being satisfied or out of control.