I can remember singing the song but can any one post a link to when it was incorporated and when it was dropped? What song was it?
i can remember singing the song but can any one post a link to when it was incorporated and when it was dropped?
what song was it?.
I can remember singing the song but can any one post a link to when it was incorporated and when it was dropped? What song was it?
so, i ran into my older brother at the store yesterday.
we haven't spoke in five years except at my grandmother's funeral in 2006.
( my husband and i were df'd almost five years ago........apostasy!!
The problem is that as soon as some poor fool figures out that the society is full of shit, there are 2 more 18 YOs going into the pioneer scam.
I think that the society should be sued and sued untill it hurts. Hit them in the pocket book,$ is the only thing they understand or seem to really care about.
correct me if i have this wrong.
jesus suposidly fulfilled the proficey that the meshia was to come from the line of david.
since joseph was the decendent of david and jesus was a "virgin" birth, how could he have fulfilled the proficey?.
Correct me if I have this wrong.
Jesus suposidly fulfilled the proficey that the meshia was to come from the line of David. Since Joseph was the decendent of David and Jesus was a "virgin" birth, how could he have fulfilled the proficey?
ok, so i have been thinking about my time as a jw (i'm fading out - read my other posts for background info).
you know how you always hear how the ministry will bring so much joy and contentment, yadda yadda yadda?
i always hated service...always!!
The joy comes in by drinking the kool-aid, the group mentality. Getting the same high you get from an attaboy by a father or mother. There was an elder in Vanderbuilt, I will call him [Dick Schroder] You would work you ass off and he would only find fault, you need to do more. Never could please this asshole. His daughter married my cousin, and they were second cousins, go figure, and they talk about Mississippi. LOL Now the elder who I call Dick Schroder has taken control of his daughters kids, and his daughter and my cousin, her cousin, have ran off to a town thirty miles away. Now Dick and I mean the organ not the name, is going to screw up more kids. By the way this is the elder I wrote about that had the gloves try to strangle him becasue he had glass particals leftover from breaking dishes with crosses on them. LOL He is a joke of a human. His IQ would make a very low room temp.
i know three women from the local kh (one is a distant relative of mine) who call on my uncle for bible study.
problem is, he has alzheimer's disease--and they were told about this!!!
still, they've been doing studies with him until my aunt (his wife) told them to stop coming by.
I went to the Arcadia hall in Florida.
There was an older retarded woman there named Mary Carol. The dubbers used to bring her in and she was a trip. She used to wear yellow dresses and go around the hall saying "wear yellow catch a fellow" and have a safety pin on her collar and say it will "keep me safe" She would chase guys around the hall and try talking to them. It was kind of funny, she did not hurt anything but I was never sure she belonged at a hall. The dubbers said that "every one needed Jehovah" I felt she did not have the mental capacity to make a decision about religion. I guess they would fill seats how ever they could. I never understood how she could put in service time.
She could not give talks either. Has anyone ever seen the type of person who would sit in the back of the hall, never quite make it to MS not to mention elder, and give several answers thought the meetings, They would strive to be something in the hall but never quit make it. I had little category's to put people in, It was so boring in the hall I had to do something. You know the types, the cliques, the people who had the club you did not belong to. The outsiders who would all stand in the back of the hall with hands in pockets never quit fitting in. The girl who would dress like she was trying to pick up a john. The woman or man who would give a stupid answer every time and you would wait for it to pass the time. We had a sister in Vanderbilt Michigan who answered when the question was what can you do to help now that the food service is suspended? She said "we can all just go without eating for a day. "
I miss the dysfunction of the idiots. Wait no I don't. LOL
Junk guy... You are listening to Hannity and limburger to much and it is clouding your thingking. Yes there is oil in the center of this country, but first off it is locked up in shale, Here is what the geol. say thay can do to get it. Pump in the ground super heated water for three years to creat a pocket of oil out of the shale. How do they heat the water? Natural Gas, Yep and it costs ten times as much to get out as does off shore drilling.
Even if we drill more and I think this is a nessary evil, All you have done in the end is push off the problem a few years down the road.
Or to another generation. I guess if you do not give a rats ass about your kids this would be fine. Kind of like burning your home for heat becasue you only have an hour to live, and screw your family. But I guess it is the Republican thing to do.
Why dirll in Alaska? 65% of the oil we already recover there is sent to Japan. Then we turn around and buy most of what we use from Canada.
Here is another point, Canada is extracting oil from tar sand, Do you know anything about how hard it is to get a bbl of oil out of tar sand?
If oil was so dam easy to get here they would not be buying it from Canada tar sand companys. Not to mention have you seen the tailings left behind by the tar sand extraction? The only reason Canada is letting it go is because it is bringing in so much money.
How can you listen to the same old tired Republican carp. Drill drill drill. Limburger is a whinner and now only pisses and moans on the radio. He puts down anything that is not oil related, He pushes only big business and pretends to be for the little guy. Nothing could be farther from the truth. He and Hannity both put down McCain and now are on his band wagon to one deg. or another. They poke fun at the change aspect of Oboma but the reason change resignates so much with the American people is because of the last 8 years of a monkey in the white house. I dont see how he and dick could screw things up any more but having seen what they did the last 7 and 1/2 years I would not be supprised if the put the dildo to us several more times. For those who say Oboma is not experianced enough, I say we have seen sutpid white guys cant run the country, lets give some one else a chance, they cant do any worse.
CNN just had a pc. on this sub. It said that GM built and leased 1000 electric cars in the late 80s, then when gas dumped they took them back and destroyed them. The big Problem is that there is much much more money in the big suv's and Hummers than in the Avao or cobalt, In fact there may not even be a real proffit in these cars but because of the Caffee statdards the car companys have to sell some to comply with the gov. regs.
Gas at this price if peak oil is real or not, is a good thing in desguise. Now people are dumping the expensive POS suv's and big trucks like the plague. Now the push is to reinvent the small car and electirc car.
Oil has been high for so long it would take a big dump in price for a long time to get the sting out of the American peoples mind.
We have become fat and lazy and feel somehow it is our right to own a Tahoe so mom can run to the store and pick up a half gal. of skim milk.
Change is coming and it is good.
i have ran a small company and worked to be semi retired.
at 44, i am looking at maybe going to school on line.
it seems that i may be able to do something other than construction.
I have ran a small company and worked to be semi retired. at 44, I am looking at maybe going to school on line. It seems that I may be able to do something other than construction. One thing I love is the fact that the borg hates higher ed. I love anything that is not what the borg advocates. Any way what areas of study other than nursing would be a needed area in the near future?
what was wrong with the 'green bible'?.
i understand (rightly or wrongly) that the 'green' had occult connotations that some did not approve of.. is this true and were the early jws too involved with hidden, esoteric, occult meaning that 'others' found uncomfortable and so they had to go to the sobre black bibles?.
black green or red its all crap inside!!
cant the elders make it so that any deviation or any thought could be considered "loose conduct" and therefore a disfellowshipping offense?
You can only be DFed for one thing, A bad attitude, or some call it conduct unbecoming. The problem is this encompasses many things including a bad attitude against the org.
If a person does one thing but then is repentant and the elders want to df them, they can say they are practicing sin and so need to be DFed.